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这个灵异解读由凯西在弗吉尼亚的家里给出。时间1933825日,由Esther Wynne(探索上帝执笔人)和休林凯西(Hugh Lynn Cayce)提出解读要求。
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Va. Beach, Va., this 25th day of August, 1933, in accordance with request made by Esther Wynne and Hugh Lynn Cayce.

出席P R E S E N T

Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Esther Wynne, Mildred Davis, L. B. and Hugh Lynn Cayce.


解读时间1150-1220Time of Reading 11:50 to 12:20 P. M.

1. GC: You will give at this time a discourse which will sum up and correlate the data already given through this channel on the fundamental truths regarding the Oneness of all Force, and will furnish us with some basic, logical, systematically arranged statements which can be given out as fundamental truths to students of this work. You will answer the questions on this subject which will be asked.

2. EC: Yes. In giving that which may be given out as basic truth, and correlating the statements that have been made from time to time, it would have been better to have gathered from that given the basis for expansion through these channels.

3. Yet, we may give that which may be the basis or the foundation of truth that may be gathered here and there.

4. As to the correlation and the setting out of paragraphs, at least you should do something!

5. The basis, then: "Know, O Israel, (Know, O People) the Lord Thy God is One!"

6. From this premise we would reason, that: In the manifestation of all power, force, motion, vibration, that which impels, that which detracts, is in its essence of one force, one source, in its elemental form. As to what has been done or accomplished by or through the activity of entities that have been delegated powers in activity is another story.

7. As to the one source or one force, then, are the questions presented in the present.

8. God, the first cause, the first principle, the first move- ment, IS! That's the beginning! That is, that was, that ever shall be!

9. The following of those sources, forces, activities that are in accord with the Creative Force or first cause - its laws, then - is to be one with the source, or equal with yet separate from that first cause.

10. When, then, may man - as an element, an entity, a separate being manifested in material life and form - be aware or conscious of the moving of that first cause within his own environ?

11. Or, taking man in his present position or consciousness, how or when may he be aware of that first cause moving within his realm of consciousness?

在开始有了吸引和排斥的力量。因此,在人的意识中,开始有了现在称为原子或细胞的运动从而形成模糊的活动。这是一种低级形式(人们如此称谓) ,但却是自己经历中的活跃力量。而正是这种运动在原子层面分裂了第一缘起,与在物质层面称谓上帝的表现分离!
12. In the beginning there was the force of attraction and the force that repelled. Hence, in man's consciousness he becomes aware of what is known as the atomic or cellular form of movement about which there becomes nebulous activity. And this is the lowest form (as man would designate) that's in active forces in his experience. Yet this very movement that separates the forces in atomic influence is the first cause, or the manifestation of that called God in the material plane!

13. Then, as it gathers of positive-negative forces in their activity, whether it be of one element or realm or another, it becomes magnified in its force or sources through the universe.

14. Hence we find worlds, suns, stars, nebulae, and whole solar systems MOVING from a first cause.

15. When this first cause comes into man's experience in the present realm he becomes confused, in that he appears to have an influence upon this force or power in directing same. Certainly! Much, though, in the manner as the reflection of light in a mirror. For, it is only reflected force that man may have upon those forces that show themselves in the activities, in whatever realm into which man may be delving in the moment - whether of the nebulae, the gaseous, or the elements that have gathered together in their activity throughout that man has chosen to call time or space. And becomes, in its very movement, of that of which the first cause takes thought IN a finite existence or consciousness.

16. Hence, as man applies himself - or uses that of which he becomes conscious in the realm of activity, and gives or places the credit (as would be called) in man's consciousness in the correct sphere or realm he becomes conscious of that union of force with the infinite with the finite force.

17. Hence, in the fruits of that - as is given oft, as the fruits of the spirit - does man become aware of the infinite penetrating, or inter-penetrating the activities of all forces of matter, or that which is a manifestation of the realm of the infinite into the finite - and the finite becomes conscious of same.

18. As to the application of these as truths, then:

19. It may be said that, as the man makes in self - through the ability given for man in his activity in a material plane - the will one with the laws of creative influence, we begin with:

20. "Like begets like - As he sows, so shall he reap - As the man thinketh in the heart, so is he."

21. These are all but trite sayings to most of us, even the thinking man; but should the mind of an individual (the finite mind) turn within his own being for the law pertaining to these trite sayings, until the understanding arises, then there is the consciousness in the finite of the infinite moving upon and in the inner self.

22. So does life in all its force begin in the earth. The moving of the infinite upon the negative force of the finite in the material, or to become a manifested force.

23. Ready for questions.

24. (Q) Explain how so called good and evil forces are one.


答:已经解释过了。当给予的能量从灵性中分离时(或者说从非视界进入视界,从无意识进入物理意识层面;从上帝的另一扇门无限进入有限) ,这种活动就是生命。源泉的意志变成物质现实。至於人类是如何在活动中使用来自源泉的力量、人类失落了多远,依赖于在多大的程度上人摆脱正负力量的影响。
(A) This has just been explained. When there is delegated power to a body that has separated itself from the spirit (or coming from the unseen into the seen, or from the unconscious into the physical consciousness, or from God's other door - or opening from the infinite to the finite), then the activity is life; with the will of the source of that which has come into being. As to what it does with or about its associations of itself to the source of its activity, as to how far it may go afield, depends upon how high it has attained in its ability to throw off both negative and positive forces.

Hence we say, "The higher he flies the harder the fall." It's true!

Then, that which has been separated into the influence to become a body, whether celestial, terrestrial, or plain clay manifested into activity as man, becomes good or bad. The results to the body so acting are dependent and independent [interdependent?] (inter-between, see) upon what he does with the knowledge of - or that source of - activity.

25. (Q) In relation to the Oneness of all force, explain the popular concept of the Devil, seemingly substantiated in the Bible by many passages of scripture.

(A) In the beginning, celestial beings. We have first the Son, then the other sons or celestial beings that are given their force and power.

Hence that force which rebelled in the unseen forces (or in spirit) that came into activity, was that influence which has been called Satan, the Devil, the Serpent; they are One. That of REBELLION!

Hence, when man in any activity rebels against the influences of good he harkens to the influence of evil rather than the influence of good.

Hence, will is given to man as he comes into this manifested form that we see in material forces, for the choice. As given, "There is set before thee (man) good and evil."

Evil is rebellion. Good is the Son of Life, of Light, of Truth; and the Son of Light, of Life, of Truth, came into physical being to demonstrate and show and lead the way for man's ascent to the power of good over evil in a material world.

As there is, then, a personal savior, there is the personal devil.

26. We are through.

Copy to Hugh Lynn Cayce
" " File

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