Breakfast is the most important meal of a day. Sometimes, it will impact your mood all day long you even don't notice. When I came to America, I was amazed that there are so many breakfast items in the super market. I adapted to cereal and milk quickly. I like it because it was quick, refreshing and kind of sweet. Morning rush never stop us from having breakfast. His favorite cereal is the mini wheat, big bite, original flavor (he is so picky). I love my corn pops. Except cold cereals, I tried to make hot cereals once a week. Creamy wheat is our favorite. It contains rich iron which is good for girls...
早餐是全天最重要的一餐。有时候,有和没有吃早餐会影响人一天的情绪。来到美国,看到超市琳琅满目的早餐商品很惊讶,很快我就适应了早餐吃牛奶加 cereal. 我喜欢是因为简单,清爽并甜甜的, 很适合我从小喜欢吃甜食的毛病. 早上的匆忙从来没有打搅我们吃早餐的习惯. 他很挑剔, 最喜欢大块,原味的 mini wheat. 不吃任何味道的. 我的最爱是corn pops. 除了牛奶加 cereal, 我尽量每星期做一次 hot cereals. 麦乳粥是我们最喜欢的一种. 它含铁丰富, 对女孩子们来说是好东西哦...

Here is the local brand Creamy wheat I bought from local mill factory. I don't think it was organic. Honestly, I don't care. It was in the 1 lb plastic bag. I kept it in my air tight glass container to keep it fresh.
下图是我从本地方附近地区 mill factory 买的麦乳. 好象不是有机的. 坦白说我不在乎. 买来时包装是一磅装的. 我放入空气密封的玻璃罐子里储存.

Look at closely, it is very fine grains. My cheap Nikon camera might not allow you to see clearly. But, you get idea.

In term of cooking, it is quiet simple. And this is my way......
Heat 1 cup water in a heavy bottom sauce pan at medium high heat. Add creamy wheat ~3/4 cup while the water is still cold and stir frequently to prevent forming big chunks together. When water starts boiling, turn low heat and continue to stir. Creamy wheat starts to thicken. Add 1 cup milk and stir. You can add more or less milk to get the texture you like. Cook another 2 minutes or until it is fully cooked.
取一只厚底锅, 加一杯冷水,高火加热, 趁水冷的时候一边搅拌一边加入麦乳, 这样一来防止结大块, 水开上来要关小火,继续搅拌,麦乳开始变厚, 这时候加一杯牛奶搅拌均匀,再煮1 - 2分钟就好了. 牛奶的量可多可少根据个人喜欢的厚薄程度来定.

Serving creamy wheat is art. I am just kidding... A lots people like to add salt and brown sugar during the cooking process. I don't. I like to add the brown sugar or honey in the bowl. Serve it with dry cranberry, walnuts or macadamia nuts. It is delicious. Of course, it can serve with boiled or salty eggs, and salty vegetables, too.... the Chinese way!
吃麦乳粥是一门艺术, 开玩笑... 很多人喜欢煮粥的时候加入盐和红糖, 我不喜欢. 我喜欢吃的时候加红糖或蜂蜜. 再加些果脯, 核桃仁, macadamia 干果, 很好吃哦. 当然了,配上咸蛋, 煮鸡蛋, 或咸菜, 中国吃法也很不错. 各取所需!

Should make more than once a week from healthy point of view. Well, once a week is good rate to start with. Don't you think so?
从健康的角度说来, 一星期吃一次好象少了点, 不过一星期吃一次是很好的开始,你们同意吗?