细雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

2014 感恩节在我家(2014Thanksgiving in our home)

(2015-10-31 10:45:15) 下一个


Thanksgiving of 2014 is our youngest child's first Thanksgiving. Compare to her sister and brother, she is bit of quiet and shy in some ways. I am sure she will change very soon. The world is big and colorful. She has shown the big interest of all. As always, we have so much to thank, more for every year as time goes by.



烤培根卷伊拉克枣:店里买来的枣卷上培根,烤箱预热350度,烤至外脆就好了。Bacon Wrapped Dates. Wrap dates with bacon and bake them in a preheated oven, at 350F for 5 minutes or until is crispy outside. Simple enough, isn't it?

绿色色拉和家常蒜绒色拉酱:酱的做法请查看以前的文章。Green Sala with Homemade Garlic Ranch dressing

自拼冷盘:大都是店里买的。没有技术。不过要买好的,吃起来才不后悔。Cold cuts: Olives, radish, dates, dry pruns, cheese and Salami

我们家的明星,老少都爱!尤其是 Sharp 奶酪,连老爸老妈都爱。Favorite in our house. Everyone loves it. Never enough!


单独烤的火鸡配菜,喜欢没有放入火鸡肚子里的。香肠,干面包,芹菜切丁,洋葱丁,火鸡脖子,肝,加入鸡汤,盐,胡椒粉,油少许,拌匀放入烤箱烤好就好了。Stuffing...have to have it. I prefer to bake it seperate from Turkey. It holds the shape better and taste better, I think. Never bake it inside turkey anymore...

奶油土豆泥:如今很多烹饪节目加很多变化,大蒜味,洋葱味,各种香料等等,在我们家只喜欢奶油原味。因为好的土豆不需要加任何东西去掩盖他的香味,奶油,盐和胡椒足亦!Mash potatos: The dish must have. Our family like the original without adding any other flavors except butter and milk. Lots of fusion dishes like garlic flavor, and other herbs. We love the original the best because the good potatoes are the best, no need to cover it.

蔓越果酱:农场买的,自己煮的,原料只有糖,颜色比店里买的深很多,味道更是纯很多。Cranberry sauce, made with sugar only, the darker color, the better.

熏火鸡:今年改成熏的,近8小时的火鸡味道好棒!We had smoked turkey this year. Smoke it for over 8 hours. It was so good.

自己做的奶油面包忘记拍了,看看我的盘子就看到面包了,都吃光光。。。As usual, I made homemade dinner rolls. Look my plate. Belive to or, I ate it all...

甜点当然不能少了,去年做了南瓜奶酪蛋糕,很好做且深受家人的喜欢。Got to have dessert! Pumpkin cheese cake is the one last year. Everyone liked it.

又一年感恩节到了,相信大家和我一样有更多感激的事情,祝大家感恩节块快乐!Another Thanksgiving is coming. Like everyone, I have more to Thankful this year. Wish everyone have a nice Thanksgiving!!!

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