细雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

2007 Christmas Eve Dinner in our home (2007年的圣诞节在我家)

(2007-12-26 11:39:15) 下一个
Time is flying. Another Christmas is here. As usual, Christmas means family, great food, a lots of gifs, full of joy and supprise. Also, Christmas means getting spoiled, specially me.......

Our families like most of American have big dinner at Christmas Eve. Dinner is getting ready......
我们家和大多数美国人家一样,全家人在 Christmas Eve 聚餐.餐桌就要摆好了。


Dinner table setting is almost done.......

First course: New England Clam Chowder
Razor clams with home grown Yukon potatoes, milk and cream
第一道,新英格兰 clam 浓汤

Second course: Garden Salad with homemade creamy Basque garlic dressing (two of hard boiled eggs,olive oil, vinegar, minsed garlic, maynais, salt and pepper)
第二道是 Salad 和自己家做的 色拉酱

Side dish: 1 Garbonzo beans with Salt pork
配餐:咸肉煮的 garbonzo beans

Side dish 2: Homemade Craberry Sauce
另外一个配餐是自己家做的 Craberry Sauce

Main course: Herbs rubbed roasted leg of lamb
Grass fed leg of lamb rubbed with fresh rosemary, coarse salt and fresh grounded pepper. Poked holes thoughout lamb and inserted slivers of garlic. Roasted in a preheated oven at 425F for about 3 hours.
主餐是烤羊腿。将 新鲜的 rosemary,盐,黑胡椒混和,抹在羊腿上。用刀在羊腿上扎很多眼儿,把大蒜切成小条条,塞进刀扎的洞里。在425度的烤箱中烤大约3小时。

My huasband was carving the lamb. 我先生在切羊肉

Lamb turned out perfect. Nice crusty outside and juicy inside.

Bread: Homemade buttery dinner rolls


Our Desset Land: my husband favorate bread pudding, homemade pumpkin pie, oatmeal raison cookies and peanut butter kisses cookies.

我们家的甜点。我先生最喜欢的面包布丁,自己家做的南瓜 pie,葡萄干麦片饼干,花生酱 kisses 饼干

Homemade pumpkin pie 自己家做的南瓜pie


My husband's favorite bread pudding with raisins and figs, 我先生最喜欢的面包布丁,里面有无花果干和葡萄干.

Homemade oatmeal raison cookies and peanut butter kisses cookies. 自己家做的葡萄干麦片饼干,花生酱 kisses 饼干

Christmas day breakfast:圣诞节早餐。
This is most exciting morning of the year. Wake up early, no need anyone wake me up. Full of joy, coffee, cookies and supprise. Then look at the messy we left, I am glad you can't see clear..........It was like war zone, oops........


While someone is cleaning up the war zone, I made simple Christmas breakfast. Homemade scones, homemade sauge patties, fried eggs, homemade crabapple juice and coffee.

Homemade scones: I learned from my mother-in-law. This recipe has been in our families for several generations. It is fry bread. The dough is sweet yeast dough. They are delicious.
自己家做的SCONES 是我从我的 mother-in-law 学来的。这个RECIPE已经在我们家传了几代。和炸面包很相似。面团是甜的发面团。非常好吃。

Homemade sausage patties: ground pork with Italian herbs, hot pepper flakes, fennel seeds, salt and pepper.
自己家做的香肠饼,好多人都会做,不过加了 fennel seeds 味道很特别非常好

Picture of my plate.我的盘子里的东东。。。

The biggest supprise from Santa Clouse is a new stove Cornufe from La Cornue France. Santa Claus ordered it three month ago without any trace at home. It was delivered and hidden in the garage without my knowledge until Christmas morning. What a Christmas! I love it!!!
今年圣诞节最大的惊喜是圣诞老人送给我一个全新的法国 La Cornue 炉台, Cornufe。法国 La Cornue 公司的炉台是全手工做的,圣诞老人提前三个月定购的.从定货,送货我全然不知。直到圣诞早上圣诞老人打开库房。多可爱的圣诞节啊,我希望人人都和我一样快乐!

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