Since I had been working 15 hours per day, 7 days per week from January to July, my wife was really concerned. She did all she could to drag me to the beach.
Then the last Sunday, we drove five hours to Kitty Hawk and spent a good time there.
We lived in a small hotel which had only six or so rooms, but right on the beach. $135 per night which was way less than the other hotels.
here is the beach-

One more-

The kids really love the sands-

Some do water skiing-

We found a sea cicada

We ate a late lunch at a restaurant called Awful Arthurs. Very nice! Highly Recommended! Great taste oysters.
There are lots of crabs during the night on the beach. We caught qhite a few that are much larger than chicken eggs, but then released them.
The second day, we got up very early to watch the sunrise, but too cloudy.
Then we drove to the wetland reservation with our bikes.

Unfortunately, we did not bring the bug spray and I saw five mosquetos on my leg the same time. We ran as fast as possible to the American Beach.

There is a lost ship that has been there since the civil war.