
va_landlord (热门博主)
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(2009-05-14 19:31:34) 下一个

三月27,Herndon 出来了一个独栋房. 6个房间, 三个厕所, 单车库. 后园有游泳池.楼上木地板,楼下瓷砖,状况很好. 报价23.5. 我一个客人很喜欢,当场决定下单. 还加了几千块钱.

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一个星期过去了,和约生效,可惜买方不是我们. 很郁闷.

四月17,原来的买方退出. 房子又回到了市场上. 我们当天再一次把定单报进去. 加到24.1.

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一个星期过去了,和约生效,可惜买方仍然不是我们. 更郁闷.


我们又报了进去. 24.1.


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“Yes, sure! But what happened to your previous offers? Why it came back to the market again and again? You see, we are very serious and this is the third time we provide the offer. Remember, we are providing an all cash offer. If you want the transaction to be a smooth one, then you should choose us, instead of the offer with a mortgage”.

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“But I have no control over it. It is up to the bank to decide”.


“But you can use your influence. You don’t want to remarket it one more time, right? The bank is not local. They know nothing about what’s happening here. If you don’t want more troubles and get the deal done, you should choose us”.

“OK, I will do my best”.

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于是呼, 我们今天拿到了. 不郁闷了.


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ChongqingChina 回复 悄悄话 Not every agent can do things for the customer like you. That's the difference b/t good agent and so so agent.