Brand Baby Poster. Photo courtesy of Adbusters
...I actually think the biggest thing we can do is to realize that corporations are created by us, the people. In various states we give corporations a corporate charter, which must be legally installed. We are the reason in some sense that corporations exist. We the people control them. We support them. The biggest thing we can do is to stop relinquishing that control: launch movements to review corporate charters every few years. Every five years we look should look at McDonald’s: “Okay McDonald’s, have you been doing a good job? We allow you to make foods and open restaurants and sell foods to our children and so on. Are you benefiting society or are you hurting us?” And then if we say, “Oh my god, half of us are overweight and a third are obese; maybe McDonald’s, with your ads and foods, you have actually been hurting society. You have to clean up your act. You have to stop making really bad foods. Stop hooking young kids on these bad diets.” And watch them.
We need a reassertion of civil society’s control over corporations. That is the only way we can solve the problems in food, transportation, broadcasting, the environment, and in every area of our life. We have to learn to take back control.
---from an interview with Kalle Lasn and the culture jamming revolution
我也有这种感觉,我欣赏“超现实主义”并没有去感觉某种主义或运动或流派的区分(我懂得也不多),我只是有我自己内心的感受,并且可感觉到与其他的流派内在的共鸣之处。。。"More, immeasurably more: I found at last that all is one..."
Andre Breton 也是半个医生呢
William Carlos Williams 就是个医生...
We have to learn to take back control!!!!不然可怜的孩子,可怜的男儿郎。。。:)
.....That is the only way we can solve the problems in food, transportation, broadcasting, the environment, and in every area of our life. We have to learn to take back control.
又让我联想起你的诗歌“Calm...Come!”,理解这首诗让我理解了很多“问题”包括社会现象甚至战争,如果个体能平静,便带来理性与清醒冷静的思考和辨别,作为人的感性激情爱等等人类情感才不致被一部分人利用另一部分人。。。战争也罢,各种社会问题也罢,甚至人与人之间等等问题无不相似。。。We have to learn to take back control....... 柏拉图强调理性是人类灵魂的最高部分。。。我想说的理性不是一板一眼的那种,理性带有某种智的成分在里面,我个人解释为 “情智”,这是我在你的诗歌里体悟到的,几乎你的每首诗歌里都有体现,与常人说到诗人“神经兮兮”是大相径庭的,诗歌里的感性,知性与性灵和音乐里的很相似。。。是真正的"人"声。。。说不好,想到交流交流。。。。