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文章来源: 作舟诗集2006-03-07 14:46:25

Brand Baby Poster. Photo courtesy of Adbusters
...I actually think the biggest thing we can do is to realize that corporations are created by us, the people. In various states we give corporations a corporate charter, which must be legally installed. We are the reason in some sense that corporations exist. We the people control them. We support them. The biggest thing we can do is to stop relinquishing that control: launch movements to review corporate charters every few years. Every five years we look should look at McDonald’s: “Okay McDonald’s, have you been doing a good job? We allow you to make foods and open restaurants and sell foods to our children and so on. Are you benefiting society or are you hurting us?” And then if we say, “Oh my god, half of us are overweight and a third are obese; maybe McDonald’s, with your ads and foods, you have actually been hurting society. You have to clean up your act. You have to stop making really bad foods. Stop hooking young kids on these bad diets.” And watch them.

We need a reassertion of civil society’s control over corporations. That is the only way we can solve the problems in food, transportation, broadcasting, the environment, and in every area of our life. We have to learn to take back control.

---from an interview with Kalle Lasn and the culture jamming revolution