Toeic 300


track 6

(2006-12-20 11:19:58) 下一个

■Does she have leadership abilities?
ability [ə`bɪlətɪ;ə'biliti] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
【able 的名词】
1 <做…的>本领,本事
He has the ~ to make a good plan 他企画本领一流
2 a. 能力,技巧,潜力[in,at,for]
He has unusual ~ in English 他具有不凡的英言表达能力
to the best of one's ~ 尽其所能,尽力,竭力
ability 指与生俱来或经努力获得的某种体能或智能
faculty 指先天的或後天的某种才能
talent 则是艺术的天赋
genius 是科学,艺术等创造性的非凡才能
gift 指与生俱来非靠努力却能自然发挥的天赋
b. [abilities]才能,才干
a man of ~ [abilities] 有才能的人,能干的人
natural abilities 天生的才能

■Does she bad-mouth you?
bad mouth [E-E] [GOOGLE]
诽谤他人者; 恶口伤人,诽谤他人者

■Does she have a previous appointment?
previous [`privɪəs;'pri:vjəs] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
1 a. 在前的,在先的,以前的(prior)
a ~ engagement 先前的约定
the ~ evening 前一天的晚上
the ~ day 前一天
b. 在[…之]前的[to]
two days ~ to Christmas 耶诞节的前两天
2 ((口语))[做...事]过早的,匆促的[in]
Aren't you a little ~ in forming such a plan? 你拟定这样的计画不嫌早了些吗?
previous to ...
((cf. 1b))
~ to the conference 在开会之前
P~ to leaving England he sold his house 离开英国以前,他把房子卖了

■Does he stay away from you?
stay away [E-E] [GOOGLE]
外出; v.外出

■Does he stop by your office sometimes?

■Does he have a fever?
fever [`fivɚ;'fi:və] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
1 (U)[又作 a ~]发热,发烧
have a slight [high] ~ 微微发烧[发高烧]
I haven't much ~ 我轻微发烧
3 [a ~]兴奋(状态);狂热,激昂[of]
in a ~ of passionate love 在恋爱的狂热中,在热恋中贩@
passionate [`pæʃənɪt;'pæʃənət] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
【passion 的形容词】
(more ~;most ~)
1 <人,言词等>热烈的,热情的
a ~ youth 热情的青年人
a ~ speech 热情洋溢的演说
2 <感情>激烈的
~ hatred 激烈的憎恨
~ love 热爱


■Does your father drive to work?

■Does your husband work for the government?

■Does your wife theach at a college?

■Does your older brother go to college?

■Does your secretary speak good French?

■Do they commute by bus?
commute [kə'mɜu:t] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
vt.交换,改换支付方法,减轻 vi.补偿,经常来往改籃
 a. (以定期[回数]票)通勤[通学];搭乘火车[公共汽车](上班,上学)
b. 通勤[通学][於…之间][between];[从…][到…]上班[上学][from][to]

Mr. Smith ~s between New York and Philadelphia 史密斯先生通勤于纽约和费城之间
Most office workers ~ from the suburbs 很多公司的职员都是从郊外来上班的

■Do they work together?
■Do they work for you?
■Do they have a second house?
■Do they study at the accounting school downstairs?
accounting [

■Who's she?
■Who's they?
■Who's that good-looking guy?
■Who's that speaker?
■Who's our boss?
■Who lives in that big mansion?
■Who takes care of them every day?
■Who has a car?
■Who speak Spanish?
■Who owns this apartment complex?
complex [kəm`plɛks,`kɑmplɛks;'kɔmpleks] [
(more ~;most ~)

1 复合的,由数个部分组成的,合成的
2 复杂的,错综的
a ~ problem 复杂的问题
The plot of the novel is quite ~ 那部小说的情节相当复杂
complex 内部结构复杂,需要相当的研究或知识才能理解或解决
complicated 非常复杂而难以理解,解决或说明

own [on;oun] [
1 [强调"所有" 之意]
a. 自己本身的,自己的
my ~ book 我自己的书
our ~ dear children 我们自己可爱的孩子们
Most Americans go to their work in their ~ cars 大部分美国人都开自己的车去上班

■Whose jacket is this?
 It's mine.
■Whose cell phone is this?
It's his.
■Whose bike is this?
It's hers.
■Whose perse is that?
It's Linda's.
■Whose car is that?
It's my father's.

■Where do you eat lunch every day?
■Where do you have your office?
■Where do you take the subway every day?
■Where do you change to the Oxford Line every morning?
■Where do you park your car every day?

■Where does she live?
■Where does she shop?
■Where does he go to college?

■Where does Linda work?
■Where does your father study Dutch?

■What do you do on weekends?
■What do you eat for breakfast?
■What do ou drink with dinner?
■What does your father teach at the college?
■What does your mother study at the culture center?

■What magazine're you reading?
■What paper do you subscribe to?
 subscribe [səb'skraib] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
vt.捐献,签署 vi.赞成,同意,捐款,预订,认购非〡
a. (认)捐[给…][to]
Mr. Smith ~s liberally to charities 史密斯先生对慈善事业慷慨认捐
b. 捐[款][for]
~ for 10,000 dollars 捐款一万美元
2 订阅[报纸,杂志等],预约[to, for]
~ to a newspaper [magazine] 订阅报纸[杂志]
charity ['ʧariti] [
n.慈悲,博爱,慈善团体,施舍; 慈善机构

■What number are you calling?
■What color is the most striking?
striking [`straɪkɪŋ;'straikiŋ] [
(more ~- most ~)

1 醒目的,显著的;印象深刻的
a ~ resemblance 显著的类似处
a ~ beauty 引人注目的美人[惊人之美]

■What subjiect're you best at?


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