Toeic 300



(2006-12-22 11:14:36) 下一个
Jessica: Guess what? I've decided to quit my job and move to Mexico.
Miho: Are you serious? You can't even speak Spanish!
Jessica: I guess I'll learn fast.
Seriously? You're joking! You can't be serious. No way! 

Bob: After you.  /Go ahead
Miho: No, after you.
Bob: Thank you.

Vendor: Excuse me, miss! Try on this hat. I think it will suit you!
Hana: I'd rather not, but thanks anyway. /No thanks./I'm okay, thanks.
Hana: It was great meeting you, Jennifer.
Jennifer: I hope I'll see you again soon. Happy holidays!
Seasons greetings.

Bob: Miho, this is for you. It's from all of us.
Miho: Thank you so much! You didn't have to do that.
I got you something.
I got you a little something.

Miho: I'm sorry I broke the photocopier.
Will: Don't worry, Miho, it's not your fault.
I should have shown you how to use it.
Miho: Well, I'd better go. It's been great seeing you again.
Bob: You too. Keep in touch!
Miho: I will. Take care of yourself.
Stay in touch. 連絡してね。

Call me. 電話してね。

Don't be a stranger. 近いうちにまた。

Betty: So, what are you doing today?
Hana: I'm going to check out Sydney harbor.
The next ferry goes in 10 minutes, so I'm just killing time until then.
I'm trying to entertain myself.

I have some free time now, if you want to talk.

Raj: Excuse me, Miho. Do you have a moment?
Miho: Sure. What can I do for you?
Raj: Do you know where the post office is?
Excuse me, do you have a second?

Can I bother you for a moment?

Is this a good time to talk to you?

Brad: I think we're lost.
Hana: No we're not! I can tell you exactly where we are.
Brad: OK, I'm all ears.
I'm listening. 聞いてますよ。
Go ahead. どうぞ。
Yes? はい?
Tell me. 話して。

Miho: I can't believe I failed my driving test!
Jenny: That was almost a month ago. You really should get over it.


Stop worrying about it. 悩むのはやめたほうがいいよ。

What's done is done. 済んだことはもうどうにもならないよ。

Stop crying over spilt milk. いつまでも泣いてちゃだめよ。早く立ち直って。

Kathryn: Miho, thanks for handling that client yesterday on such short notice.
Miho: You're welcome.
Kathryn: Did you have any trouble?
Miho: No, it was a piece of cake.

It's easy./It's as easy as pie.

Koji: I saw that you had lunch with our director yesterday. Did she mention anything about the department?
Miho: No, we were just shooting the breeze. We didn't talk about work at all.


We chewed the fat.

We did some catching up.

We didn't talk about anything in particular.

We talked about nothing.

Kei: I have been waiting for over three hours! Enough is enough!
Receptionist: I'm very sorry, sir. It won't be much longer.

ケイ: 私は3時間以上も待ってるんですよ!もうたくさんですよ!
受付: 大変申し訳ございません。もう少々お待ちください。

Brad: Quick, let's order. I'm starving!
Hana: Me too. I'm going to order the biggest meal on the menu.

ブラッド: 早く注文しようよ。俺、もうおなかペコペコだよ!
ハナ: あたしも。メニューの中で一番おなかが一杯になるものを頼むことにするわ。
I'm ravenous.

I'm so hungry.

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

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