Jessica: | Guess what? I've decided to quit my job and move to Mexico. |
Miho: | Are you serious? You can't even speak Spanish! |
Jessica: | I guess I'll learn fast.
Seriously? You're joking! You can't be serious. No way!
Bob: | After you. /Go ahead |
Miho: | No, after you. |
Bob: | Thank you.
Vendor: | Excuse me, miss! Try on this hat. I think it will suit you! | Hana: | I'd rather not, but thanks anyway. /No thanks./I'm okay, thanks.
Hana: | It was great meeting you, Jennifer. | Jennifer: | I hope I'll see you again soon. Happy holidays!
| Seasons greetings. 季節のご挨拶を込めて
Bob: | Miho, this is for you. It's from all of us. | Miho: | Thank you so much! You didn't have to do that.
| I got you something. I got you a little something.
Miho: | I'm sorry I broke the photocopier. | Will: | Don't worry, Miho, it's not your fault. I should have shown you how to use it.
Miho: | Well, I'd better go. It's been great seeing you again. | Bob: | You too. Keep in touch! | Miho: | I will. Take care of yourself.
| Stay in touch. 連絡してね。
Call me. 電話してね。
Don't be a stranger. 近いうちにまた。
Betty: | So, what are you doing today? | Hana: | I'm going to check out Sydney harbor. The next ferry goes in 10 minutes, so I'm just killing time until then.
| I'm trying to entertain myself. 私はいま、自分が楽しめることを探しているんです。
I have some free time now, if you want to talk. もしお話したいということであれば、今なら時間はありますよ。
Raj: | Excuse me, Miho. Do you have a moment? | Miho: | Sure. What can I do for you? | Raj: | Do you know where the post office is?
| Excuse me, do you have a second? すみません。いま、お時間ありますか?
Can I bother you for a moment? いま、お話しても大丈夫ですか?
Is this a good time to talk to you? いま、お話しても大丈夫ですか?
Brad: | I think we're lost. | Hana: | No we're not! I can tell you exactly where we are. | Brad: | OK, I'm all ears.
| I'm listening. 聞いてますよ。 Go ahead. どうぞ。 Yes? はい? Tell me. 話して。
Miho: | I can't believe I failed my driving test! | Jenny: | That was almost a month ago. You really should get over it.
| ミホ: | 私が哕灻庠Sの試験に落ちるなんて信じられないよ。 | ジェニー: | もう1か月も前のことじゃない。忘れた方がいいよ。 |
Stop worrying about it. 悩むのはやめたほうがいいよ。
What's done is done. 済んだことはもうどうにもならないよ。
Stop crying over spilt milk. いつまでも泣いてちゃだめよ。早く立ち直って。 ※ことわざ「覆水盆に返らず」と同じ意味ですが、「水」の部分は、英語では「ミルク」を使っています
Kathryn: | Miho, thanks for handling that client yesterday on such short notice. | Miho: | You're welcome. | Kathryn: | Did you have any trouble? | Miho: | No, it was a piece of cake.
| It's easy./It's as easy as pie.
Koji: | I saw that you had lunch with our director yesterday. Did she mention anything about the department? | Miho: | No, we were just shooting the breeze. We didn't talk about work at all.
| コージ: | 昨日、きみがうちの上司とランチをたべているところを見かけたんだ。彼女はうちの部署について、何か言ってた? | ミホ: | いいえ、私たちはちょっとお話をしていただけですよ。仕事のことについては何も話してませんよ。 |
|  |
We chewed the fat. わたしたちは世間話をしていたんです。
We did some catching up. 最近の話をちょっとしたんだ。
We didn't talk about anything in particular. 特に何かについて話したわけではないです。
We talked about nothing. 話の内容は特になかった。
Kei: | I have been waiting for over three hours! Enough is enough! | Receptionist: | I'm very sorry, sir. It won't be much longer.
| ケイ: | 私は3時間以上も待ってるんですよ!もうたくさんですよ! | 受付: | 大変申し訳ございません。もう少々お待ちください。 |
Brad: | Quick, let's order. I'm starving! | Hana: | Me too. I'm going to order the biggest meal on the menu.
| ブラッド: | 早く注文しようよ。俺、もうおなかペコペコだよ! | ハナ: | あたしも。メニューの中で一番おなかが一杯になるものを頼むことにするわ。 | I'm ravenous. 私は飢えている。おなかが減っている。
I'm so hungry. わたしはおなかがとても空いている。
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.