Toeic 300


track 5

(2006-12-19 10:16:32) 下一个
■・I'm a student at Harvard University.
・I'm a professor at Harvard University.
professor [prə'fesə] [n.教授,公开表示信仰的人
・I'm the President of Harvard University.
president ['prezidənt] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
n.总统,主席,总裁,行长,董事长,大学校长; 总会会长; 校长裁稝

■I'm an employee at Sanwa Bank.
/Ask the employee over there ,please.

■There's a young man at the door.(入口)
Who's the young man at the door?

■There's a restaurant on the fifth floor.
Let's go to the restaurant on the fifth floor.

■Am I late?
■Am I right?
■Am I wrong?
■Am I unfair to you?
unfair [ʌn`fɛr;ʌn'fɛə] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
1 不公平的,不当的;不正的,非光明正大的,狡猾的
~ competition [punishment, treatment] 不公平的竞争[处罚,对待]
an ~ competition 一项不公正的竞赛[比赛]

■Am I too strict?
strict [strikt] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
a.严厉的,绝对的,详尽的,严格的,精确的; 严密; 严厉; 严格; 严费螥
She is ~ with her pupils 她对学生很严格

■Are you busy now?
■Are you thirsty now?
■Are you angry?
■Are you feverish?
FEVE RISH*feverish ['fi:vərish] [E-E] [GOOGLE]a.兴奋的(飞往瑞士
■Are you cold

■Are you an interpreter?
interpreter [in'tə:pritə] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
n.直译程序,解释者,翻译员 n.注释器; 注释器; 翻译
■Are you an engineer?
■Are you a bank employee?
■Are you his boss?
■Are you her ASSISTANT?

■Is she easy-going?  
easy-going [E-E] [GOOGLE]随和的; 随和; a.随和的贩薂
■Is she generous?
GENE ROUS generous ['ʤenərəs] [E-E] [G慷慨大方的摘呢热死]
a.有雅量的,量大的,大量的,丰富的,慷慨的; 雍容大度; 大方; 绰大礍
[于...方面]慷慨大方的,不吝啬的[with, in]
He was ~ with his money [ingiving help] 他慷慨出钱[助人]
c. [人]<做…>(实在)慷慨的;<人>慷慨的<(居然)做...>
It is ~ of you to pay for us.= You are ~ to pay for us 你替我们付钱[破费],真是大方
■Is she broad-minded?
1. broad-minded [E-E]气量大的; a.气量大
■Is hi happy-go-lucky?
■Is hi individualistic?
individualistic [indiviʤuə'listik] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
a.个人主义的; 个人主义的雨@

■Is his study spacious?
SPA CIOUS*spacious ['speishəs] [a.广大的,大规模的; 广泛大规模死赔。
■Is this neighborhood tough?
a ~ customer ((口语))难缠的家伙
■Is his phone still busy?
■Is burmese food hot?
Burmese [bə:'mi:z] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
n.缅甸人,缅甸语 a.缅甸的,缅甸人的,缅甸语

■Is this fabric washable?
washable [`wɑʃəbı;'wɔʃəbl] <布,衣服等>耐洗的,经洗的


■Is Daiwa a major brokerage firm?证券公司
brokerage ['broukəriʤ] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
n.经纪[业; 手续费]; 经纪贩@
a law firm 法律事务所
major [`medʒɚ;'meidʒə] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
((←→ minor))1
a. (大小,数量,程度等与其他比较起来)较大的,较多的,较高的
the ~ part of the students 大部分的学生
b. 过半(数)的,大半的,多数的
the ~ vote 多数票
the ~ opinion 多数意见

■Is XYZ an investment bank?投资银行
investment [in'vestmənt] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
n.U投资; C投入的资本; 投入的资本

■Is Princeton a prestigious university?名门大学
prestigious [pres'tiʤiəs] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
a.享有声望的,声望很高的PRESTI GIOUS

■Is Beverly Hills a high rent district?高级住宅区
district ['distrikt] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
n.区域,地方; 一带; 区;

■Is Bloomingdale's a high-class department store in America?

■Are they optimistic?
optimistic [ɑptə`mɪstɪk;ɔpti'mistik] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
【optimism 的形容词】
1 乐观主义的,乐观的,乐天派的
(( ←→ pessimistic))
take an ~ view of life 对人生持乐观的看法
2 [对…]乐观的[about]
He is ~ about the future 他对未来很乐观贩@

■Are they pessimistic?
pessimistic [pɛsə`mɪstɪk;pesə'mistik] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
【pessimism 的形容词】
1 悲观的,悲观主义的,厌世的
(( ←→ optimistic))
take a ~ view of life 对人生持悲观的看法
Don't be so ~ 别那样悲观
2 [对…]悲观的[about]
He is ~ about the future 他对未来感到悲观

■Are they independent?
independent [ɪndɪ`pɛndənt;indi'pendənt] [E-阴地悬挂独立自主]
(more ~;most ~)
1 a. 独立的,自主的,自治的,自由的;不依赖(他人)的,自主性的
an ~ country 独立国
b. [从…]独立的;不依赖[依存][…]的[of]
He is ~ of his parents 他不依赖父母生活
2 独立性强的,自尊心强的
an ~ young woman 独立自立的年轻妇女
pendent [`pɛndənt;'pendənt] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
1 下垂的,悬挂的
a ~ lamp 吊灯,枝形吊灯
2 <悬崖等>突出的
~ eaves 突出的屋檐
3 <问题等>未决[未定]的,悬而未决的(pending)

■Are they still mad?
a mad~]((美口语))怒,气,生气
have a ~ on at ... 对...生气雨@

■Are they snobbish?
snobbish [`snɑbɪʃ;'snɔbiʃ] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
【snob 的形容词】

■Are they government employees?
■Are they his co-workers?
■Are they bureaucrats?
bureaucrat [`bjʊrəkræt;'bjuərəkræt] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
1 官僚;官僚作风的人
2 官僚主义…贩@

■Are they college students?
■Are they graduate students?
■Are they experts in this field?
expert [`ɛkspɜt;'ekspə:t] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
a mining ~ 采矿专家
an ~ in economics 经济学专家
an ~ at skiing 滑雪好手
an ~ on the population problem 人口问题专家
1 a. 熟练的,老练的
an ~ engineer [typist] 熟练的工程师[打字员]
an ~ marksman 射击好手
b. [对…]熟练的,老练的[at,in,with]
He has become ~ at figures 他已能熟练计算
2 (根据)内行人的,专家的,专门的
~ advice 专家的建议

■Do you take the Chuo Line to work?
■Do you moonlight?

■Do you have an MBA?
■Do you agree with them?
■Do you share the office with him?

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