Toeic 300



(2006-12-14 05:11:15) 下一个
■I have a stapler. stapler ['steiplə] 订书机
■I have a personal computer. 个人的,私人的,一己的,有关自己身上的,一身的
~ belongings 私有之物
a ~ matter 私事
I have no ~ acquaintance with him 我个人跟他并不认识[我并不直接认识他]
a ~ letter 私信
a ~ interview 直接晤谈,亲自接见
one's ~ experiences 亲身经验

■I have a plane 刨刀
■I have a saw.   锯子    see的过去式
a power ~ 电动锯子

■I have a pickup truck  pickup truck:无顶小型轻便货车
拼凑[凑合]的:a pickup jazz band 凑合的爵士乐队钒?@

■I have a triangle. TRI ANGLE
triangle ['traiaŋgl] n.三角形,三人一组,三角关系

■You have class.
■You have a lot of potential.
■You have a lot of leadership skills. 统帅力
■You have a photographic memory.
To the best of my memory, that happened in 1961. 就我记忆所及,那件事发生在 1961 年
a photographic memory 鲜明精确的记忆力
■You have a good appetite. A=P=P=E  T=I=T=E
appetite [`æpətaɪt;'æpitait] 【源自拉丁文[追求]
1.食欲:have a good [poor] ~ 食欲好[不好]
lose one's ~ 食欲不振
sharpen one's ~ 刺激某人的食欲
sexual [carnal] ~ 性欲
He has a great ~ for knowledge 他有强烈的求知欲

■We have sufficient collateral.
S U F F I   C I E N T sufficient [sə`fɪʃənt;sə'fiʃnt]【suffice 的形容词】
 a. 充分的,足够:
~ food [evidence] 充足的食物[充分的证据]

C O L  L A    T E  R A Lkə'lætərəl
『商』担保的 a ~ security 附属担保物,抵押品

■We have a lot of securities.
S=E=C=U  R=I   T=I=E=S
■We have two cosigners.
C=O  S=I=G  NERcosign [ko`saɪn;kou'sa亦作 co-sign
1 共同签署2 连署保证(贷款,抵押等)

■We have about three hundred outlets across (遍及)America.
■We have a good relationship with them. 关系
the ~ between Japan and the U.S 美日关系

■We have a constructive proposal.
constructive [kən'strʌktiv] a.建设性的,构造上的,作图的; 建设性; 建设
proposal [prə'pəuzəl] n.建议,提议,求婚; 议案; 提案; 方案; 动议ㄒ锧

■She has one million shares in our company.
M=I=L  L=I=O=N
■She has some corporate bonds.
My word is as good as my bond~ 我的承诺一如契约;我一言九鼎
■She has accounts in many banks.

■He has a large estate.
estate [is'teit] n.不动产,时期,阶层,财产; 地产; 产业
buy an ~ 购置地产
He has a large ~ in the country 他在乡间拥有广大的地产

■He has a lot of debts.
debt [det] n.债,债务,欠款; 帐

■He has a back issue of this magazine.
issue [`ɪʃʊ,`ɪʃjʊ;'iʃu:] 【源自古法语[外出]的意思】
 a. 发行<通货,邮票,出版物等>;出
Stamps are ~d by the government 邮票由政府发行
b. 发...[给…][to]
When was your driver's license ~d to you ? 你的驾驶执照是什麽时候发给你的 ?

■Our office has air-conditioning.

■Our office has heating.
heating [hi:tiŋ] n.加热; 暖气(装置); 暖气; 采暖
■XYZ Company has a lot of female managers.
female psychology 女性心理

■Our company has a good performance this year.
performance [pə'fo:məns] 履行,执行; C表演,演出; U性能,特性; 成绩

■This book has ten pages missing.
1 不在应在之处的,找不到的,失落的,下落不明的
a missing person 下落不明的人
There are two pages ~ in this book 这本书少了两页
2 a. (因战斗等而)失踪的
Twenty men are ~missing.二十个人失踪

■Our company has two unions.
union ['ɜu:nɜən] n.C协会,同盟,工会;


■This is a blue chip.
They chipped in with suggestions for the party 他们各为宴会提出自己的想法

■This is a Belgian car.
Belgian ['belʤən] n.比利时人 a.比利时的; 比利时的

■This is a used car.
■This is a 100% wool suit.
SUIT:1 对<人>方便,适合;对<预定计画>没有妨碍
Would ten o'clock ~ you? 十点钟对你方便吗?
Come whenever it ~s you 只要你方便随时来吧
"Shall we meet at my house?"- "Your office would ~ me better." [要不要在我家见面?][在你办公室对我比较方便]

■This is a sophisticated compiter.精巧
SO  PHISTI CATE sophisticate [sə'fistikeit] [少费事地]n.久经世故的人,老油条

■This is British fabric.
fabric ['fabrik] [E-E] [GOOGLE]n.织物,布,建筑物,结构,构造凡@
结构,构造,组织:the ~ of society 社会的结构

■This is French perfume.
■This is Italian red wine.
■This is German beer.
■This is Swiss cheese.

■This meat's tender.
a<肉等>柔软的,嫩的((←→ tough))(→ tenderloin.)
b. <色,光,音调等>柔和的,柔弱的the ~ green of new leaves 新叶的嫩绿
 脆弱的,纤弱的,虚弱的,娇嫩的a ~ constitution 虚弱的体质

■This pork's  tough.
<肉,木头,钢铁等>坚韧的,强韧的,坚硬的(( ←→ tender,soft))
tough meat 坚韧的肉
tough wood 坚硬的木头
3 a. <人、动物等>强壮的,壮健的((→ strong【同义字】))
a ~ worker 强壮的工人
a ~ constitution 强健的体格

■This dictionary's very handy.
■This medicine's very good for your cold.
■This TV get's good reception.
Television reception is good [poor] here 这儿电视收视状况[效果]良好[不佳]{
a warm ~ 热烈欢迎;((反语))激烈抵抗
hold [give] a ~ 举行欢迎会[招待会]
a wedding ~ 结婚喜筵


■That's the Capitol.
C=A  P=I=T=O=L

■That's the Department of the Treasury.
T=R=E=A   S=U=R=Y
treasury ['treɜəri] n.国库,宝库,国库券,财政部
The ~ of the baseball club is as empty as ever 棒球俱乐部的资金仍然空如往昔

■That's the Belgian Embassy.
E=M=B=A  S=S=Y embassy ['embəsi] [E-E] [GOOGLE]n.大使馆,大使及其随员
the British E~ in Tokyo 东京的英国大使馆

■That's the Russian Consulate
C=O=N S=U=L=A=T=E consulate ['konsɜulit] n.领事,领事任期,领事馆; 使馆雨@
■That's the IRS.

■That's a nice tie.
■That's a marvelous dress.
M A R   V E    L O U S  marvelous ['ma:vləs] a.令人惊异的,了不起的,不平常的钊@

■That's a hot car.
■That's a great purse.
■That's an adorable change purse.
A=D=O R=A=B= L=E  adorable [ə'do:rəbl] a.可崇拜的,值得敬慕的,可爱的
What an ~ hat she is wearing! 她戴的帽子好可爱哦! 可爱倒了


■That's a good  proposal.
PRO=PO=SALproposal [prə'pəuzəl] n.建议,提议,求婚; 议案; 提案; 方案; 动议ㄒ锧
c. <…的>提议the ~ that we (should) take a rest 我们该休息一会儿的提议

■That's a good idea.
■That's a terrific plan.
T E R  RI  FIC  terrific [tə'rifik] a.非常的,极端的,可怕的贩稝
b. 令人赞叹的,极好的,绝妙的;华丽的  a ~ party 极佳的社交聚会

■That's a realistic solution.
realistic [riə'listik] a.现实的,逼真的,现实主义的,实在论的; 切实
1 现实主义的;现实的,实际的((←→ idealistic))
It isn't a ~ plan 那是一项不切实际的计画
solution [sə'lɜu:shən] [E-E] [GOOGLE]
n.解决,解决方法; 溶解,溶液; 答案贩稝
Is there any ~ to the grievance? 对於那些不平[抱怨]有什麽解决方法吗?雨@

■That's a matter of taste.
matter ['matə] n.U物质; 麻烦,毛病; C事情,问题; 内容,素材 vi.有关系,要紧; 务; 事
a. 问题;事情[of]
a ~ of life and death 生死攸关的问题
a ~ of the greatest importance 非常重要的问题
a ~ of opinion 颇有争议的问题肺@

■That bus goes to Wall Street.
■That building has a pharmacy.
PHAR MACY pharmacy ['fa:məsi] n.药房,配药学贩@

■That store sells Dutch food.
■That restaurant has a lot of repeat customers.
■That clock's five minutes fast.

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