
群众起义的结果 - CEO的道歉信

(2009-08-21 12:18:12) 下一个

August 19, 2009

Dear Customer,
We recently asked you to sign an amendment giving us your permission to raise the rate on your prime-related Creditline. Some members told us amending signed agreements was not the way for Vancity to address a market-related business problem. They said, a deal is a deal, and we listened. In the true spirit of a member-owned organization, we have decided to honour the original Creditline agreements.
I want to personally apologize for any confusion, doubt or stress this situation may have caused you.
If you signed an amendment it will no longer apply, and effective immediately the terms and conditions of your previous Creditline agreement will be reinstated. If your rate was increased, we're working towards first returning. you to your original rate and then reimbursing any additional interest you've paid by the end of September. If you restructured your Creditline to another product, or cancelled or consolidated your lines of credit, we'll contact you to offer you the choice of keeping the new arrangements or reinstating your Creditline with the original terms and conditions. We'll also reimburse any additional interest you have paid on your reinstated Creditline.
Your input on all aspects of our organization is welcomed. If you have any questions, please call your branch or our Member Service Line at 604-648-5196 or toll-free at 1-866-648-5196.
As a member-owned financial cooperative, our members have a voice. Thank you for using that voice to remind us of the values that are at the core of our relationship with you. We look i forward to continuing to help you, our membership and our communities thrive and prosper.

Tamara Vrooman President & CEO Vancity
Vancouver City Savings Credit Union
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