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Live Earth concerts to air on CTV

(2007-06-06 19:06:04) 下一个
Tue, June 5, 2007
Live Earth concerts to air on CTV


The worldwide concert event known as Live Earth will air on CTV and its affiliates on July 7.

Live Earth, which will promote action against global warming, comprises concerts on multi-continents over a 24-hour period. The only North American venue is Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J.

Celebrity supporters, including former U.S. vice-president Al Gore, are hopeful that two billion people will tune in to see more than 100 of the biggest musical acts of the day.

Scheduled performers include Madonna, the Police, Bon Jovi, the Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Sheryl Crow, Kanye West, Kelly Clarkson, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Beastie Boys and Spinal Tap.

The challenge with multi-venues, of course, is scheduling and editing. CTV annoyed many viewers during the Live 8 concerts in 2005 by focusing so intently on the Canadian-based show and missing key moments elsewhere, such as the Pink Floyd reunion in London.

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stillthere 回复 悄悄话

Dear QQ: Thanks a lot!
That was out of my control; no sure what happened.
Your son's comments are an inspiration to us; we want to save the Earth for his generation, and the generations to come...
虔谦 回复 悄悄话 骑乐你这博客版面怎么怪怪的? 左边是一大片竹子, 文章被挤到右边了?

底下是我小儿原话: "Things we can do to stop this crisis (GLOBAL WARMING) is to stop using cars and start riding bikes or walk. " 正中下怀吧? :))

虔谦 回复 悄悄话 谢谢骑乐留言鼓励!我小儿最近有篇小作文,说控制地球温升效应的办法之一就是大家都不开车,而是骑车/走路上班。回头我把它贴出来,肯定会乐坏了你