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(2008-06-26 12:49:00) 下一个
  来源: miat42
  Resource War Plan and its execution since 2000:
  1) Washington think tank reached the conclusion that Iraq is the focus of the plan because Iraq holds the largest and last remaining undeveloped oil reserve in the world. Although Saudi Arabia had more oil reserve, Saudi had put them under heavy production for decades, its future output is currently winding down and will not be able to rival that from Iraq. Iraq, if developed, would be poised to become the next Saudi Arabia.
  2) Washington's think tank reached a conclusion that Gulf regions hold world's 2/3 total oil reserve. These countries are Saudi, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Emirates, Qatar. US has firmly controlled Saudi, Kuwait, Qatar and Emirates. Only Iraq and Iran were not yet secured.
  3) Washington's think tank reached a conclusion that China is quickly becoming the biggest oil consumer like Japan. But China doesn't have enough oil reserve internally. Most fast developing South east Asian economies are highly dependent on imported oil. Think tank concludes that if Gulf oil were firmly controlled under US military power, US would be able to assert extremely high leverage and power upton every resource scarce oil consumpting nation. US would be able to demand almost anything from these nations.
  4) Think tank's geologists conclude that world's oil peak is approaching around 2010 to 2015, combined with increasing demand from fast developing nations from Asia and Russia, the world will face an unexpected and almost imminent global shortages. By controlling Gulf oil first, US, as the world's only military superpower, would be in a position to dictate terms of world economic development. I would have unprecedented power to allow or deny the most economically essential raw material, oil. To be able to control the coming resource crisis, Washington *must* act well before the world realized what was at stake.
  5) Think tank mandates that Iraq must be controlled at all cost, even militarily.
  6) Think tank concludes that after Iraq is secured under US military, it shall control every major existing and potential oil source on earth including Africa and Sudan.
  7) After Iraqi war, US military bases had been extended to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in ex Soviet Bloc and to Afghanistan. From its military position in Afghanistan, US forces could control most of south Asia. Pakistan was dependent on US military pressure. US prepared this base expansion by previous decade's weakening of Soviet Bloc and eastern Europe. After this base alignment, US is able to control key pipelines and have a stranglehold on most Soviet bloc and Asia.
  8) The above plan was carried out from 2000 to present. US has militarily secured Iraq although at a huge cost, but thanks for "donation" from resource scarce nations like China and Japan.
  9) One by one the energy dominos around the world began to fall, Georgia, lying on a key pipeline route from the Caspian to Turkey, was de facto under US control because Georgia's new President, a US educated lawyer, was supported by Washington and Soros Foundation.
  10) by 2003, Pentagon established long term military basing agreement around Sao Tome and Principe, which conveniently were within striking distance of the strategic west African oilfields stretching from Morococo to Nigeria Guinea and Angola. George Bush visited west Africa. Projection is that 25% of future US oil needs would soon come from west Africa.
  11) Libya was also falling into US alliance. In 2004, Qaddafi announced his rejection of terror and opening up of Libya to foreign oil investment, in return for a US lifting of sanctions. Washington sold the idea to Qaddafi branded as "Globalization". Libya is important to Washington because it still holds considerable oil. Qaddafi, under US pressure, terminated all oil deals with Japan, Italy, and China. American's win is other's loss. As a stark contrast to Saddam's fateful fall, Qaddafi became sumissive to US power for his survival. He doesn't have much of a choice.
  12) Washington soon secured Sudan's oil deals. At the same time, Washington is trying to squeeze China out of deals in the name that Chinese government is helping the massacrers. Washington is using UN sanction, his old trick. Currently, China is having extreme difficulty in getting new deals, let alone maintaining existing ones.
  13) Bush administration announced plans to provide military training and support in Columbia. The excuse was to stop the flow of cocaine into the US, but actual goal was to rsist the guerillas who threatened the large Occidental Petroleum pipeline there. Now, Columbia is firmly under US wing and became 7th largest oil supplier to US.
  14) Venezuelan oil is very important because US imports more from Venezuelan and Comlumbia than from middle east. US staged a covert coup to topple strong man Huge Chavez, removing a road block. Now Venezuelan is firmly under US control.
  15) Same happened to Indonesia. In the name of fighting global terrorists, US increased its military presence there.
  16) As we can see from above, Bush administration has helped to tremendously expand US military base around the world by first weakening the regions, then, using whatever excuse he can find to get the military in. US has reached the widest military control over the world in any history in time, far expansive than UK's colonialism. Bush's mandate was clear: "Controlling oil is equivalent to controling the world".
  17) Washington stopped Japan from signing long term deals with Iran, citing Iran's Nuclear program as reason. Again, Toyko "got the point".
  18) In parallel, Washington think tank decided to continuously suck China, Japan and entire east Asian exporters to this cycle: Luring them to invest hundreds of billions of surplus trade dollars in US treasury and other assets, out of fear of losing exports, becoming more dependent on the US in the process. Now, they seemed to be caught up in a process from which they could find no exit.
  19) Now, everybody should understand that why Washington inner circle and Wall street gangs are so happy despite a seemingly falling off the cliff the world economy is heading. Why? because they are so happy that they have controlled the most essential commodity for world economic growth, oil. Now this control is mostly directly under US military, rather than indirectly. All the bad guys like Saddam has been eliminated. Qaddafi got tamed. All that the oil cartels have dreamed about had become a reality recently.
  20) Now, the only target left is Iran. We will soon see what may happen. Of course, that's top secret, can't be discussed here.
  21) The conclusion: With a firm grip on world oil flows, US now holds a true weapon of mass destruction, its ability to blackmail and demand terms to every nation in the world. Despite a shallow impression that US economy is sliding and dollar is devaluing and people are getting laidoff, the real situation is that US has used last 8 years to expand its grip on world economy maybe 100 times stronger than before. US, as a superpower, has actually strengthened its position to unprecedented level.  
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