The Confederation Bridge is the world's longest bridge overice-covered water stretching 12.9 kilometers from New Brunswick toPrince Edward Island.
GJ Cahill in partnership with Straight Crossing Joint Venture (SCJV)designed and built the temporary power infrastructure for the StraitCrossing fabrication yard. GJ Cahill also served as the primaryelectrical contractor for the project. The scope of work involvedinstalling 18 power centres at various points on the bridge along withthe installation of 400 light standards, traffic control systems,service phones, closed circuit TV system and placement of Prince EdwardIsland’s main fibre optic cable across the bridge.
Opening for traffic June 1997, the Confederation Bridgelinks New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island across the NorthumberlandStrait. It is currently the longest bridge in the world to crossice-covered salt water. All the beams and piers were precast on site.Onsite evaluations were done to study ice load, wind load and shipimpact.
In1991 the Denmark and Swedish governments agreed to build a bridge toconnect the two countries across Oresund. Later that year the twoparliaments ratified the agreement and scheduled the design to becompleted by 1994. The 16 km long Oresund link between Sweden andDenmark is now complete. At 6 am on August 14, 1999 the final sectionof the Oresund bridge was placed in position by the floating crane,"Svanen". Six hours later, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and CrownPrince Frederik of Denmark met on the bridge to mark the fact thatDenmark and Sweden are linked once more - 7,000 years after the Ice Agewhen they were landlocked. The project opened to traffic during thesummer of 2000.
TheOresund Bridge is the world's longest single bridge carrying both roadand railway traffic. In the design full advantage was taken ofrepetition by composing the major part of the bridge of identicalspans. The high bridge with its record-breaking cable-stayed span of490m is designed to harmonize both structurally and aesthetically withthe approach bridges. In the construction phase the on-site activitieswere completed in just 2 1/2 years due to an extensive use ofprefabrication and erection of large units.
The World's Longest Bridge in New Orleans
The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway is the longest overwater highway bridge (28 miles or 38 KM) in the world (the Guinness World Record).
The first span was built in 1955 - 1956 and opened August 30, 1956.
The second span was built in 1967 - 1969 and opened May 10, 1969.
The twin spans are 80 feet apart and connected by seven crossovers which function as pullover bays for motoring emergencies.
More than 10 million vehicles traveled the Causeway each year.Lake Pontchartrain is 610 square miles and was named for the Count de Pontchartrain, minister of the marine during the regime of France's "Sun King" for whom Louisiana was named.
Lake Pontchartrain and its Causeway, the world's longest bridge, comprise one of America's most scenic attractions.
The bridge links Shanghai to the industrial city of Ningboacross Hangzhou Bay, cutting the distance between them from about 250miles to just 50 miles.
Officials welded together a final section to complete the linkat a ceremony attended by several hundred workers from the variouscompanies building the bridge.
The Chinese sea bridge which will cut travel by 200 miles
Costing 11.8 billion yuan (£0.77 billion), the structure will opento traffic next year following completion of the six-lane roadway thatwill permit vehicles to travel at speeds of up to 62 miles per hour.
The bridge, a mix of viaducts and cable-stayed spans to allowshipping to pass beneath, lies just south of the Yangtze River Delta,one of China's most economically vital regions which is undergoing amassive construction boom aimed at boosting transport links.
Just north of Shanghai, builders this month connected the finallink in a 20.13-mile bridge across the Yangtze, said to be the longestcable-stayed structure of its kind.
The world's longest sea bridge looks spectacular, set against the morning sky
The 20.2-mile Donghai Bridge had been the previous longestsea-crossing structure, linking Shanghai to the massive Yangshan deepwater port.
Construction on the Hangzhou Bay Bridge began in 2003 with apercentage of its financing coming from private sources, a first forsuch a large Chinese infrastructure project.
Akashi Kaykio Bridge
Rama IX Bridge, Bangkok, Thailand
Arroyo Cangrejillo Bridge, Andalgala, Catamarca, Argentina
This bridge is featured on the February 1999 cover of Structural Engineering International, the Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. See an image of the cover here, or read a draft of the article here.
West Bay Crossing Seismic Study
ImagineN.America and Asia connected together by a road. The Bering Strait, anice bridge that let the Native Americans come into N.America more than2,000 years ago. A Proposedbridge more than 55 miles long, which would make it the longest bridgein the world. It is supposed to connect Alaska with Russia. Benefits ofthis bridge are the oil pipe lines which would transfer oil formSiberia to N.America year round. The bridgewould only be open for four months for public use, because of harshweather conditions. Which are way below freezing level that couldfreeze a car engine instantly. The U.S. estimated this project up to100 billion while Russia estimated it to only 60 billion. This would bethe largest connecting object in the world, longer than the channeltunnel (31 miles) that connects the UK with rest of Europe.
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