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(2007-01-14 19:22:58) 下一个
by  peterpan1668




 摘自:From Crop Circle Research dotcom

Ibelieve that throughout the universe we meet many wonderful and uniqueindividuals, each travelling on their path to happiness, insight andknowledge.

We are all soulswho have spent time on this Earth in order to learn lessons and shareinformation with our fellow beings. Before we depart this threedimensional existence we give back a little part of the universe in theform of love, knowledge and conscious awareness. The planet as a wholewill benefit from our love and caring.

Cropcircles have had a profound effect on thousands of people who havewitnessed and studied them through the years. Irrespective of origin,they have acted as a catalyst to learning, understanding andspirituality as we strive to understand the meaning and purpose behindthe genuine crop circles.

Icreated this web site with the aim of sharing information and creatinga forum by which people of like-minded souls around the planet cancommunicate with each other in order to spread love, light andpositivity to the planet.

Thereis so much pain and sadness in the world at the moment, we need to sendlove and understanding around the globe, in order to heal the planetand send inspiration to those who need it, whoever they are andwhatever their agenda.

Together we can make the world a better place.

Whetheryou're looking for scientific evidence and research or just browsingthe beautiful photos and designs, I hope you enjoy this web site and Iwish you well on your path to happiness and enlightenment.















这张还真不知出在哪里: www.cropcircle.ca/









 Crop Circle on Moon


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