泰式海鲜沙拉, 两款法式面包, 香草鸡脯晚饭
近来真得没做啥东西, 到是常去蹭吃蹭喝的.
2 LB无壳 虾, 开水烫熟, 进 冰水泡一下, 沥干,
2 LB小鱿鱼, 清理好, 切块, 用加了太白粉冷水泡一下, 进开水烫熟, 在挤了柠檬汁的冰水里泡一下, 沥干,
2 把粉丝, 热水泡软, 剪段,
1/2 棵生菜,切丝,
1/4 甜洋葱,切丝,
1把樱桃萝卜, 切片,
3 根 青葱, 切花,
3 小黄瓜, 切片,
1 把香菜, 切碎,
1 枝薄荷叶, 撕碎,
以上摆好/拌匀, 浇上酱汁, 吃时再拌匀.
酱汁: 甜酸辣咸 按自己口味再调整,
4 -6 泰小辣椒,
4-6 蒜,
3TB 青柠汁,
3TB 鱼露,
3TB 椰糖,
3TB 凉水
法式薄饼 Provencal Fougasse,
Recipe from Saveur:
1 tsp. active dry yeast
1 tsp. sugar
4 1⁄2 cups flour
2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil,
plus more for brushing loaves
1 tsp. kosher salt
Cornmeal, for dusting
1⁄2 cup minced kalamata olives
1⁄4 cup minced green olives
2 tbsp. minced fresh parsley
2 tbsp. minced fresh thyme
1 tbsp. minced fresh rosemary
Sea salt and cracked black pepper,
to taste
1. In a large bowl, stir together yeast, sugar, and 1 1⁄3 cups water heated to 115°; let sit until foamy, 10 minutes. Stir in flour, oil, and salt and mix until a dough forms. Transfer dough to a lightly floured surface. Knead for 6 minutes. Cover with a damp towel; let sit until doubled in size, 1 1⁄2 hours.
2. Heat oven to 500°. Divide dough into 5 equal pieces. Working with one dough piece at a time, roll into a rough 8" x 5" triangle. Transfer rectangle to a cornmeal-dusted, parchment paper–lined baking sheet. Using a sharp knife, cut three lengthwise parallel slashes in middle of dough and one small slash below and parallel to middle large slash. Spread slashes apart with your fingers. Cover with a damp towel; let rest until puffed, about 30 minutes. Combine olives and herbs in a bowl. Lightly brush each dough piece with oil; sprinkle with olive mixture and season with salt and pepper. Bake, one at a time, until golden brown, about 15 minutes each.
我没用橄榄, 香草我用了, rosemary, oregano, thyme, garlic, red pepper flakes, 我把香料用橄榄油慢火熬了一下, 可做粘酱用.
我做了两张大饼, 一个带去爬梯, 一个自己试吃.
多出的香料油, 加点盐和胡椒, 用来腌鸡脯肉, 冰箱过夜, 第二天拿出来, 回到室温, 用很烫的厚平底锅两面煎金黄, 约4-5分钟一面, 再进375F烤箱10分钟. 肉内温度达160F, 取出, 歇5-8分钟, 就可切片享用.
我的烤箱正好是热的, 如不用烤箱, 煎黄后改中小火在炉上再把肉煎到同样的温度. 可能不如烤箱容易掌握火候.
非常入味和香嫩, 感觉这次的火候真的可以得到 “chopped” judges 的认可, 呵呵…
配了沙拉, 法式奶油面包 (brioche),
法式奶油面包 – Authentic Brioche
这个法式奶油面包也是网上的方子, 是我的法国同事推荐的.
这个方子看起来很繁琐, 但很详细准确. 只是我做的形状不好. 口感很轻盈, 奶香.
1 lb. 2 oz. (4 cups) unbleached all-purpose flour
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/2 oz. (4-1/2 tsp.) active dry yeast, preferably Red Star brand
1/2 oz. (2 tsp.) table salt, plus a pinch for the egg wash
4 large eggs, at room temperature, plus 2 large eggs and 1 large egg yolk for the egg wash
4 oz. (1/2 cup) whole milk, at room temperature
8 oz. (1 cup) unsalted butter, cut into 16 pieces, slightly softened; more for the pans