by 梦思德 Goingplace把菜端上来的时候俺家已经开过饭了。不过情还是领的很。本来准备周末SHUTUP的,也只好破个例了。不过码中文他慢,您老就将就着看吧,没准您还巴不得呢。...老规矩:有经验的朋友给补充补充. 砸玉也行) All these "not do"s concern very important issues that would bring youserious troubles. It seems common sense, but some people just don'tunderstand. 1)一戒赖惰 (SELLER) Sounds funny. There is some truth in it. Some sellers think that aslong as they can reduce the price to the amount the repair wouldrequire, the buyer would take the house. Not true. You spend 2 dollarsfor repair. You get 6, or 10. You have one dollar repair for the sale,seller asks for 3 dollars. I’ll ask for 10! Suggestion: Don’t be lazy.Prepare carefully before you put it to the market. 2) 二戒撒谎 (BUYER DISCLOSURE) Disclose whatever has been documented in the repairs of your houses. Ifyou hide some thing important and then later the buyers have found out,you will be liable to their loss if they can prove that you lied. Ofcourse there are many items that you can mark as "unknown", but if youhave hired some one and you have paid to do something, how could youprove you don't know. 3) 三戒过贪 (BUYER OFFER---) HIghest buyer is not NECESSARILY the best offer. I think most peopleknow that. Here is just another reminder. The same thing is true:overpriced house is the house an investors usually look for! Why? If itis overpriced, it won’t sell. And since every body knows it is overpriced, it will eventually sell at a below market price. Sellers wantto avoid this situation. And that is why you need a GOOD realtor. 4)四戒吝啬 (REALTOR LISTING,COMMISSION) Commission is one motive for realtors to sell. Lower commission can bea good one to you, it can be a bad one too, depending on your needs andthe market situation. If you really want to sell VERY QUICKLY and youthink you have made enough money, higher commission might be good foryou: REALTORS are human beings, no less greedy than any body among WXC. 5)五戒善良 (REALTOR EXIT CLAUSE) Do look at the realtor's faces when you sign an exclusive listingagreement. There are all smiles. I guarantee. Look at each clause ofthe contract. Read it carefully. Have a look at my Dancing withRealtors (2). Put "EASY EXIT" clause when you can. Don't "you are good,I'm good" at beginning but become enemies later. 6)六戒造假 (GOVERNMENT) Don't try to lower your taxes by changing the number of the contract when some one offers you cashes offer. | ![]() |