
Life is like a box of chocolate,you will never know what you wil

喜欢电影'A Good Woman'机智对白.

(2007-01-30 12:29:22) 下一个
电影A Good Woman, 看起来就是一般的女人电影, LG看了片名就不再感兴趣. 我一
个人看了, 觉得非常有趣. 不是情节, 是里面的对白. 后来又看了一遍. 这次, 非
常大男人作派的LG开始不情愿地跟着看, 却一下就被抓住了. 搞得我俩哈哈大笑.毕竟是大师Oscar Wilde的小说改编. (Lady Windmere's Fan )

故事是关于伴侣之间的忠诚的. 30年代初, 一群富有的美国人英国人在风景如画的
意大利小镇打发着夏天. 小夫妻MEG和ROBERT看起来相爱甜蜜. 不想有一天, 圈子里
谣言四起, 说ROBERT和一个中年妇人打得火热. 后来谣言在MEG满21岁生日的PARTY上

不说故事, 听听那一伙无所事事的富人公子老哥儿们调侃的对话.

Darlington爵士和MEG聊天儿的时候, 被MEG要求诚恳相待, "give your words." Darlington狡

"The best way of keeping my words is not to give."



A - Your Miss Earlyn has no principles.
B - I like people more than principles.
C - People have no principle are even better.


Miss Earlyn, 就是那个绯闻中的中年妇人, 出言也机智:

"People call something as experience, they usually mean mistakes." 她用这
句话为向她求婚的TUPPY和她自己作了总结. 他们两人都分别经历过婚姻.


Meg因怀疑丈夫出轨而痛苦不堪. 老夫人规劝她:

"Crying is the refuge of playing women; Pretty women go shopping!"

于是, 单纯的MEG疯狂大采购一通, 猛花丈夫的钞票.:)


在MEG的生日party上, 她因痛苦一直呆在楼上迟迟不下来见满屋客人. 有人纳闷生
日女孩怎么还不出面, 那几个老公子哥儿又开始打趣儿:

"Sausage and women, if you want to enjoy either, just don't look the preparation!
" 意思是说MEG一定在上面精心装扮.

英国老夫人感叹女大不中留. 叹道:

"Girls begin by loving you. But when they grow up, they judge you, and rarely
do they forgive you."


老哥几个规劝Tuppy最好不要和名声不佳Miss Earlyn搅在一起, Tuppy不无智慧地辩

"Every saint has a past; every sinner has a future." 表明他对Miss Earlyn的

对於女人, 老公子们也自然有一番爱恨交集的情感:

"Women inspire us to great things; somehow they prevent us from doing those!"

这句话, LG听得喜笑颜开, 连连用手狠狠地指我. :(

Stella Earlyn规劝年轻的MEG不要一时冲动作傻事:

"Don't compel yourself! It takes practice and skills to regret!"


"There are two kinds of tragedies in the world: one is not getting anything
he wants; one is getting. The first one is a real tragedy; the latter is
much worse."

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