


(2007-03-03 21:52:24) 下一个
打算6月份去一趟夏威夷, 因为只有十来天, 所以目前看来就去主岛OAHU和天堂之岛MAUI.

我从2月中开始用几种方法找夏威夷机票,travel.yahoo/expedia,orbitz,cheaptickets,sidestep, travelaxe

租车最好不要到机场租,机场的税很高。你在http://www.orbitz.com/ 上,租车也并不贵。酒店最好订夏威夷旅行社的package,连同岛间飞机票一块订能便宜点,Hawaiian Airlines的package实际上是panda旅行社替他们做的,你直接从panda travel agency(http://www.pandaonline.com/travelspecials/index.html)订能便宜点。从panda订酒店能订到$50/night的。

package link

他们的电话:808-921-0999,808-225-9435.他们的有本岛游:3 days + 2 nights, $145/person (两人房间,包Polynesian Cultural Center的门票和到中心和珍珠港的导游)在Diamondhead下边,离海边很近。我觉得价钱应该是很便宜的。因为Polynesian Cultural Center的门票8年以前就是30元左右了。他们还有4 days + 3 nights, 6 days + 5 nights, trip for two islands和for three islands等。旅行社的名字记不清了.

I personally like the Keihei (spelling?) area, a lot quieter. If you like the actions, go for Kanapali area. By the way, there is a difference between ocean front and ocean view rooms.

First, Ocean Front is different from Ocean View - some ocean view you hardly see any ocean unless you crook your neck and tilt your head and lean your body all the way out the bacony ... you get my drift ...

Maui is big and have several areas where the hotels/condos have wide range of price differences.

Generally speaking, the luxurious areas are Kapalua, Ka'anapali, (West side of Maui) Wailea-Makena (South side of Maui) - these are where the resorts located, Ritz Calton and the like. An oceanview room, even at lowly Hyatt Regency, runs you about $300 or more a night.

Kihei is the cheapest area in Maui in terms of lodging and beach access as Kama'ole Beach State Park is right at Kihei. (South side of Maui). From where you can easily drive to Wailea-Makena area which in my opinion, is the MOST BEAUTIFUL of Maui beach communities. Makena's nickname is Big Beach. Hotels in that area also are TOP NOTCH. Even if you may not pay the price but by all means check out Grand Wailea Resort (Four Season Hotel is also there)

I would suggest you to check out vacation rental / condo rental - for the same 300 a night you get a one bedroom flat with living room, big balcony, kitchen ... and true ocean view ... at a vacation rental versus a hotel.

you can also google vacational rental / condo rental and will get pages of information.
The one-bedroom condo at Makena Beach seaside looks pretty nice for $200 a night.

在欧湖岛上,除了知名的威基基海滩(Waikiki Beach),欧湖岛上有沙滩的海岸线总长有50多英里。另外,檀香山市(Honolulu),恐龙湾(Hanauma Bay),珍珠港 (Pearl Harbor) 等,也都在欧湖岛上。另外有名的观光点有:伊奥拉尼皇宫(Iolani Palace),卡美哈美哈一世塑像(Kamehameha Statue),毕效魄博物馆 (Bishop Museum) ,钻石山头(Diamond Head),落日海滩 (Sunset Beach),海洋公园 (Sea Life Park),神圣瀑布公园 (Sacred Falls) ,玻理尼西亚文化中心 (Polynesian Cultural Center),大风口 (Pali Lookout)等。
1. Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve: snorkeling, need to be there early in the morning or you wont have a chance to get in.
2. Lani's Beach
3. Polynesian culture center
4. Diamond head 山上看全景
5. Northshore:海滩日落和大浪。
6. 珍珠港
check out www.hawaiiweb.com
-The Palace (if you are up for culture)
-Dole pineapple plantation (I didn't take the train ride but enjoyed making a stop there and the pineapple ice cream)
-Have to admit I never went to the Polynesian culture center, having been to Oahu twice. But I enjoyed the drive to get there and making multiple stops along the way in different parks.
Two things to keep in mind:
1. visit Hawaii not only for scenery also for activities such as snookling, surfing, etc.
2. Many parks are not very well marked and can be easily missed. They did that on purpose.
3. I also enjoyed the smaller towns/villages off the beaten path, away from the tourist traps.

按顾剑先生的经验,  http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=travel&MsgID=22872
第一天向东环岛,先是清晨登Diamond Head火山, 从diamond head继续向东沿海岸主干道不远,到达Hanauma Bay。这里是潜水看鱼的最佳海滩,为什么呢?水浅水清,鱼多,除了这些基本条件以外,最优越的条件是这里根本没有波浪. 早起6点去Hanauma湾潜水?一来可以停车,二来早上水清,鱼也没有被惊扰。到中午以后游人一多,脚蹼一拍,水开始混浊,很多鱼也吓跑了。而且那里在早上7点半以后要收$1停车费,和$5门票(5年前我在那里的时候是$3,涨价了。当地居民凭证免费),如果7点半以前来,没有人收费。这么点钱倒不在乎,可关键问题是8点以后游人会在售票口排起长龙,排队的长度,快赶上珍珠港, 从Hanauma湾继续向东,公路开始随山势升高,大约1英哩处,第2个观景台,海边有一处blow hole,海水冲进岩石空穴被强力挤压向空中喷发形成. 从Blow Hole继续向东,转过一个海角,公路重新降回海平面,就到达了Sea Life Park。我从海洋生物公园出来已经是下午3点钟了,由北海岸从岛中部的62号公路向南返回。这条路又叫Pali Highway,因为岛中部山脉面向北海岸平原的一侧,是联绵不断直上直下的万仞绝壁,恰似一面屏风,而这条公路从这面屏风当中海拔比较低的一个缺口越过。说是比较低,也有1-2千英尺了,可以想见,在这里你将遭遇穿越全岛的“穿堂风” 。在公路最高处有一个面向北海岸平原的观景台,绝对不可以错过,这里通常被称为“大风口” ,正式叫作Pali Lookout。在这里平常的日子,风力之大都能让人立足不住,在绝壁顶端,可以全景地俯瞰整个北海岸平原和远处的海天一线,景色相当壮阔。
第二天,我沿岛南部的主干线1号州际高速向西,越过檀香山市中心,直抵珍珠港。从珍珠港向西返回的路上,可以游览檀香山市中心. 在政府大厦隔壁,是夏威夷旧时的王宫,伊奥拉尼宫,


Travel between Oahu and Maui:
从Oahu到Maui岛的飞机票应该提前订,否则票价太贵. 夏威夷主要有三个航空公司:

毛伊岛 (MAUI):山谷之岛


毛伊岛以其山谷的秀丽著称。岛上最著名的旅游圣地是"太阳之屋"(Haleakala)和十六世纪捕鲸时期形成的城市"捕鲸镇"(Lahaina)。"太阳之屋"海拔一万英尺以上,有成群的火山口交汇一处,游客可以租车沿公路开到顶上,在那里你会感到自己好象已经离开了地球,站到了月球上一样。那里还有一种高原花草叫"银剑",世界上只有毛伊岛的"太阳之屋"和大岛的高山上才有,而且也濒临绝种,所以去了以后别忘了参观一下。"捕鲸镇"则完整地保存了十六世纪的风貌,古风古店依然,捕鲸的工具和船只也轻靠在海岸,世界上最大的榕树也在那里。整个"捕鲸镇"被国家列为国家公园。在"伊噢"山谷 (Iao Valley State Park),还有针尖山 (Iao Needle),肯尼迪肖像石 等值得一看。

坐直升飞机逛Maui很棒,可以看到自己走不到的原始森林和落差很到的瀑布。如果去Maui和Kauai,记着试试看一家叫做“Puka-dog”的hot dog, 他们加新鲜的水果在hot dog里,很好吃。纪念品可以试试crazy shirts, 他们卖各式各样design的T-shirt, 每个岛上卖的都不一样,很有特色,当然,咖啡和hawaiian shirt也是值得买的纪念品。

去毛伊岛一定要带两季服装。爬"太阳之屋" 要穿冬装,因为山高,终年高处不胜寒;去"捕鲸镇" 穿夏装,"捕鲸镇" 在夏威夷的土语里意思是"炎热的太阳",热得不得了。

HANA road drive (1 day),
Molokini snorkel diving (1/2 - 1 day, no experience needed) and
Haleakala Mountain (inactive volcano, 1/2 - 1 day)sunrise/sunset.




Another activity is the Atlantis submarine ride 100 ft below water to see all the tropical fish and coral reef. It is available on Maui, the Big Island Hawaii, and Oahu. I did it on both Maui & Big Island. Be sure to pick a nice clear day for the submarine ride.

Been to Maui several time, here is the suggestions.

Westin Maui (<$250/night) located in the middle of Kaanapali Beach. One of the top 10 resort on the world. Food Village is nearby. Very reasonably priced at $10-15/person. Pretty landscape.

Second consideration will be Marriott two doors on the south. A little bit further to the food villiage. Landscape is pretty but flat.

If you play golf, it is on the other side of the hotel.

Good hotels take good spots.

2) Buba Gump's Shrimp in downtown Lahaina. (5 miles south of Kaanapali Beach) Good seafood, good price.

3) Prepare one whole trip if you want to go to back trial.

4) Save your money on Hula Dance. I don't like it much.

5) Take some motion sickness pill if you go on boat or helicoptor

Drive up the Haleakala in the afternoon and watch the sunset on the top, and the vault of heaven stars you maybe never see (Choose a no-moon day). Stay there for the night and then watch the sunrise. If possible hike around the volcanos.
The Napili, Kapalua and Honolua beaches in west Maui are quite beautiful.

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