I sometime jokingly call my three kids my pests.
Just look what they do mostly everyday. They spend most of their awakening hours trying to distory my house like termites, stealing food( candies and sweetes) like mites and ants, folliwing me around and annoying me like a house fly. Yep, I definitely think they deserve the name.
But, of cause, for the most part they aresugar and spice and everything nice, they give me endless joys and fill my heart with sweet surprises, and I love them never-the-less.
Here is a Rhyme my 8-year old made up for his nick name;
I am the pest,
because I am the best.
I am the least,(he is the smallest boy in his classroom)
becaus I can\'t eat a feast.
I am the smartest,
because I work the hardest.