
what he likes and what I like

(2009-02-25 21:42:27) 下一个


When honey started his music website on myspace, he wrote a bit sth about himself, ie the things he likes and dislikes as this…



beer, mmmmm
red wine, mmmmm
coffee, mmmmm
spicy food, mmmmm
being lazy, mmmmm

Sherry (my wife), mmmmm
playing the elusive perfect gig
watching really good gigs
any good music from any genre at all
audio engineering
playing guitar, or trying to play other things
computer games
sunny autumn days


work, haha, well, ya gotta do it so do sth you like
being patronised, grrrr
pushy people
massive egos
chips on shoulders
know it alls
assholes and dickheads (i'm doomed!!!)
organised religion
the media...
I'd better stop here as it could get tiresome!!!


Then I realised I was ranking number six on his ‘I like’ list. I complained that why I wasn’t number one and he laughed. He said it actually wasn’t in the order of importance, but he’s glad he did it to get my reaction.


Later when he became addicted in facebook, he wrote this in his Personal Information, under certain pressures apparently.


Personal Information


Muso - I have been playing guitar for around 25 years, in bands, solo, duo. I'm into blues, rock, funk, old school r & b stuff these days. I currently play in a blues trio with some old friends of mine, and am using an epi 335 Sheraton and a Hotrod Deville 2 x12


Sherry (my wife), Music, beer, cricket, (she made me change the order) independent thought, alternative lifestyles, and.... menial work.

Favorite Music:

Hendrix, Clapton, and many many more, anything interesting, Clutch!!!

Favorite TV Shows:

TV sux, though Flight of the Conchords is pretty good and Red Dwarf rocks, and Southpark is still cool too

Favorite Movies:

Dystopian themes, action or anything good from any genre

Favorite Books:

Same as movies, Romanticism

Favorite Quotations:

"If it's too hard it's not worth doing" Homer

About Me:

Coffee shops suck!!! The black hole has gone for good!!! I still like coffee though :)


Yeah, I bumped into number one, although he had to put the fact of this change there too. I decided to be just happy with the result, not thinking about the process. Open-mouthed


Today, I was going to write a bit sth about myself in here, but the box of ‘Interests’ is apparently too small. Then I decided to write a blog about my interests. I will deliberately put honey in the middle to get some of his reactions, hopefully. Hahaha~~~


Sherry’s interests


Writing – diaries before blog was invented and blogs mainly these days, but would like to try a book one day. My dream job though is a freelance columnist – I write for my own sake.


Music - blues, rock 'n' role but not too noisy ones, hence definitely not heavy metal, jazz, occasionally country, some r&b, classic, but definitely no pop. I admit I have been deeply influenced by honey in music. He gives me a better understanding of what a good piece of music is really about. We don’t like the exact same bands, but we both don’t approve commercial music. Those songs that performed by big boobs with no brains, no matter how famous they are and how many records are sold, we just don’t give a damn.


Movies - open to all kinds and all nations as long as it's good. The more good ones I have watched, the less tolerance I could bear to bad ones. America is still the best country for making movies, I have to say after all. Collecting movies is another thing of me.


Wine and champagne - lean a little bit more on shiraz than others in red cos I think shiraz has more charactors. Drinking really depends on moods, companies and occasions, so I wouldn’t say no to martini, cocktail, whisky and beer from time to time.


I don’t see drinking as a competition or a social skill. I don’t agree the saying like “you are not a real man until you can drink” and don’t think someone is more superior than others just because he/she can drink more. Drinking more than others only means they are more likely to be an alcoholic than others and nothing else. This paragraph dedicates to Chinese drinking culture.


Coffee – real coffee made by fresh coffee beans. You can see the coffee dripped in the cup with the brown creamy texture on the top. Go with milk and a little sugar, yum!!! This leads to one thing that I don’t like even hate – instant coffee. I would rather not having coffee for a hundred years than having an instant coffee. Either none or the best is my philosophy – don’t settle for less.


Food and cooking – I like many many cuisines, ie Chinese, Thai, Indian, Italian, European, Mexican, Malaysian, and etc and am open to the things that I haven’t yet tried. More exotic the thing is, more excited I become. Not supringsly, I like cooking and enjoy everyday cooking most of times. In my cooking, I like trying cross cuisines instead of focusing on one. In my mood, I don’t usually cook for people who don’t know how to appreciate.


Camping and bush bike riding – although we don’t camp very often these days, I love lying in countryside, listening birds in the morning and looking at stars at night. It’s the nice peace that you can’t get in the city with noise. It’s the peace surrounding you first and then getting into your heart. However, there’s difference between honey and me. I’m the person who loves holidays in countryside whereas honey wants to live in the country. I always think, to the point when I have to agree and we finally move to the place where we see more birds than people, I will start writing a book. In the bush, riding a bike is definitely a great fun.


Tennis and swimming – they are things that I will do whenever I get chance. I haven’t played tennis for quite a while though, so I don’t see myself a diligent tennis player.


Other things – partying, playing cards and paper board games, watching band in pubs, hanging out with good friends, dressing up for occasions, shopping with girls (and a rare few males), sleeping in on weekends, watching cricket, lying on the beach in summer, being romantic with hubby, reading jokes…. I’d better stop here before it’s getting too long.
Oops, one more – my hubby.  Wink
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