
Life discovery

(2008-07-30 17:01:30) 下一个

18 Feb 2008

I think I will write this entry in English, hoping it will get rid of sth that needs to be out from my system with a kick of some inspirations and without disturbens from the real life.


There’re a few things that I discovered recently. One is I am truly dissolved by the word ‘home’. I couldn’t imagine until recently that a piece of land 8000 kilometers away from where I was born and raised would be able to build a shed in my heart in where I’m dismissed from social responsibilities, in where I live for my own being. It’s funny to see that people these days are dying for a mansion to live while at the end of the day what you need, afterall, is just a cornor, the cornor that allows your vulnerability to release, comforts you just by the way it is and believes in the moment that you repossess the peace in mind when you seem losing it. Two is only a rare few who are able to talk some sense when you need it exist in this world. If you have them around, that’s God talking. I’m not in this kind of luck, but I appreciate for what I have. Three is unconditional love is a thing as complicated/simple and difficult/easy as it gets. It’s complicated and difficult when you have to compromise before you are qualified to claim this kind. By compromise, I meant accept disapprovement, be prepared to change, and even give up pricinples when circumstance arises. It’s simple and easy when you look into his/her eyes and smile.

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