
When you feel blue, sth cheers you up~~

(2008-01-17 18:19:31) 下一个

Below is the extract of an email I received yesterday and my reply. I didn’t quote the whole thing for privacy concerns. It’s sth that I want to remember in the years to come, that warms my heart when I feel cold, cheers me up when I feel blue and tells me what is important and what should be treasured.





Saw your blog last night and tried to add my comment there this morning, however…


Don’t know what makes you feel down, but I do have the similar feeling every now and then…


Sometimes you think it’s just a hiccup in the life, however sometimes you do doubt if you made the right decision to live your life like this. And when you started having doubts about the life, you started doubting everything, even yourself. I believe this is particular hard to you and me – the people far away from their roots. However just because we are far away from our closest, we need to be strong and to take care of each other.


For me, I found it’s hard to make TRUE friends after I graduated from the uni… But, I still remember the first time we met, I was so excited to find out how similar our life track was and was full of hopes of finding another soul mates in this country. I don’t know if we are soul mates yet, but I am here for you, just like I know you will be there for me.


Take care my friend, it’s just a hiccup.


Hi dear, thanks…


Thank you for taking time to write sth for me like this and thanks for the understanding. Your email watered my eyes – they are certainly watered enough these days. :)


… …


Anyway, the thing is when you feel down, you know you are reaching a point where you can’t go any further. Out of all the blues, I still believe it’s just a period of time and things will get better. I will be fine, and so will you.


I agree what you said about true friends - I feel the same way. When you get older, you start realising that with all the years you lived on, you have come to the person who you are today, approving and disapproving certain things. You might be more tolerant and polite as being a mature and decent person, but you have less ability to open your heart to opposite minded people and be mentally and emotionally fulfilled from random conversations.


I'm glad we met each other - I can't find another person who is sharing a more similar life experience than what you have with me. It's a bonus of life and I treasure it.


I think of one sentence from Friends that will be good in here. In the early season of the episode when everyone convinced Rachel to cut her all credit cards and be independent, Monica hugged her and said 'Welcome to the real life. It sucks, but you're gonna love it."


Let's cheer up!






I also want to say thank you to everyone who left message in my previous entry. Thanks for your cares and understandings. I’m fine, just here and there, you don’t feel as good as you feel at other times. I’m trying to be part of solution instead of problems. I’m trying to manage myself and the situation around. But at the end of the journey of getting down, all the sudden you realise it’s not what you want. You are worrying things that are not worth of worrying, you are sad on losing things that couldn’t make you happy anyway. Worry-free life is only in fairyland, the real life is we have to worry. We just need to manage it to the level where we also can be happy at the same time.
It was Lily's birthday yesterday - Lily, dear, I wish I was there to help celebrating. Instead of saying Happy Birthday again, which was in my text message yesterday, I'd say - "Welcome to the new page. It sucks, but you're gonna love it!"   Birthday cake


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