"The PC Laptops Titan is the culmination of all things PC Laptops — performance, luxury and rock-solid stability — each unified to deliver the consummate user experience of high-performance for work or play. Beneath the brushed aluminum hood lurks an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, producing the power to drive its massive video and storage systems, as well as a standard 7-in-1 digital media reader. Luxuries are also found in abundance in the PC Laptops Titan, including a high-performance DVD/RW drive, a 19-inch ultra high contrast LCD monitor, Logitech keyboard and mouse interface, and a heavy duty power supply system. No other desktop we carry can approach the Titan’s singular combination of performance, lavish features and balance." --http://www.pclaptops.com/machines/desktop.php?desktop=3
我们还决定把家里的两台旧电脑trade in. 自己组装的那台可能有硬件问题所以好久没有正常运行了。 但是配置很好。 另外一台我现在正在用的Dell其实质量还不错。 运行也很快。 但是电脑店只给每台$75。 有点亏。 但是Jared说自己卖也比较麻烦, 而且我们软件不全。 所以$75也无所了。 最后, 一通加加减减, 我们以$2,045 成交。
总之, 明天就可以拿到我的新宝贝了!我以妈妈的名义保证我一定会好好爱护它!
昨天是第一天感觉小肚子开始大了。 一点点。 怀孕第12周, 书上说,宝宝的耳廓已经成形了。 yeah~~ 但是今天发现自己脸上开始有暗斑,肤色很差。 是和怀孕有关系吗?
老板写信要求全体员工明天到公司开会。 好消息是, 我有可能将有可能从此以后长期在家里上班。 这样既不用天天开车1个小时去上班, 又可以好好休息让宝宝安稳成长。 真是太好的timing 了。 上帝保佑明天不会有什么变故。!!
明天是怀孕12周的最后一天,在公司上班的最后一天, 也是我接新宝贝桌机回家的第一天。 多么伟大的日子!
Congratulations! I'm a mom of two. It's a very sweet experience.
"但是今天发现自己脸上开始有暗斑,肤色很差." all these will be gone, and you'll regain your beauty and youth after giving birth. Being happy is the most important thing!
Take care.