
How to smile

(2012-09-16 16:55:38) 下一个

睡的不是非常好,但是还ok 了,跑步,洗澡,然后在脸上涂了比平时多的foundation, 还有mascara,lip gloss,离开家的时候,镜子里的我在新买的dress里很漂亮啊。可是看到studio里电脑屏幕中的我,真的想撞墙,我有那么难看吗?简直想退掉dress.回来的路上,超级沮丧。是的,她和她的相机都没有什么经验,可是我的表情和pose好奇怪.我给婚礼后的新人设计poses,效果出奇的好,自己非常得意自己有太多的talents,有点儿自夸了。但是我不能放镜子在自己的面前。

Desperately, I even googled how to smile.


Anyway, this is what I got from internet.

Studies have shown that the most genuine smile, known as the “Duchenne smile,” comes from the eyes and has a strong effect on others. You can enhance your own smile by engaging your eyes and channeling happy thoughts. To smile with the eyes, use the following techniques. The Mona Lisa has one of the world’s most complex and enigmatic smiles: though her mouth is wistful, the muscles around her eyes simultaneously indicate a genuine smile.

Learn how to imitate a Duchenne smile. Scientists have pinpointed more than 50 different types of smiles, and research suggests that the sincerest smile of all is the Duchenne smile – a smile that pushes up into the eyes.[1] The reason it's more genuine is because the muscles needed to truly smile with our eyes are involuntary; they only become engaged in an authentic smile, not in a courtesy smile.[2] That being said, you can imitate this type of smile by squinting slightly to create small pillows beneath your eyes. If you produce crow’s feet while attempting this, you are doing it properly (which is undoubtedly why heavily Botoxed faces tend to produce such fake-looking smiles). Once you master the smiling-eye technique, you will be able to use it to brighten up even very sly or faint smiles.2

Stop being a people-pleaser. If you constantly smile in order to be polite and agreeable, you're tightly controlling your countenance and not giving your Duchenne smile much of a chance to shine through. Plus, if you're focused on everyone else's happiness, you're neglecting your own. A real smile arises from your own personal joy, not someone else's. People with martyr syndrome will often say that they derive their greatest personal joy from helping others, and sometimes this is true, but other times, it's an easy way to justify their self-sacrifice and avoid stepping out of their comfort zone. If you're the kind of person to "forget" about yourself, take the advice in these articles, which will help you break some of the psychological chains that can stifle a genuine smile:

Be happy. A genuine smile comes from genuine happiness. And studies on what makes people happy reveal that it doesn't have much to do with material goods or high achievement; it seems to whittle down to your outlook on life. In other words, learn How to Be Optimistic and real smiles will follow. After all, think about who has the most genuine smiles: kids! They never worry because life is one big game to them. Follow their lead...be laid back and playful!

find your happy place. This exercise will help you recognize what really makes you happy. Look in the mirror and cover everything below your eyes with a handkerchief or similar. Then start thinking or talking out loud about your happiest memories. Smile as you do so. You'll notice that at some points, your eyes "twinkle" and you get "crows' feet" wrinkles near your temples. There's your Duchenne smile! The closest you're ever going to get to smiling with your eyes on command is to  channel your happiest memories and let your face do the rest. 

3.     You can also look at old photographs of yourself and note the differences in the way you smile. Candid shots will often yield more "smiley eyes"--especially when you're laughing or around people you feel comfortable with. Pictures of you as a child are also more likely to show your most genuine smile.5Stop being self-conscious about your smile. If you're preoccupied with the color or direction of your teeth, the prominence of your gums, the smell of your breath, etc., you might subconsciously stifle your smile because you feel embarrassed. There are some things that can be helped (like whitening your teeth and getting rid of bad breath) but ultimately, you need to commit to the belief that all genuine smiles are beautiful smiles, including your own.


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