

(2009-11-15 13:38:32) 下一个
看看表,4点钟了,没有洗脸,没有刷牙,没有看书,没有....倒是煲了一通电话,收获是个问题?问自己,是不是对自己太harsh了,周末呀,you do not need to feel bad because you are doing nothing, but I can tell I do not feel good, I feel my teeth are so dirty, and my stomach is singing, and my feet are cold. Ok, I still have 8 hours to finish up today, two ways, keep feeling bad because of wasting time or doing something to make myself feel better. Clean myself, feed myself and my pets, clean my room and room I might use...before all of these, I should turn off cell phone and turn off my computer, Oh, I need to turn on radio to know the world outside, I am sure someone is dead or dying in a second, ha ha....what is a day!  
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