

(2009-08-14 16:22:43) 下一个
有一天发了一个信,说自己愿意带女生去买菜加逛街,写下了日期和电话.当晚电话就来了,是三个刚来的新生.Anyway, I just want to do something, not just only for myself, (let me think, it might be for myself a little bit,)then I start to try my best to find desk for one of girls. She almost has nothing, I got one from website, desks like high school one. Seller's house is kind of far from my home, but anyway, he and I went to there after some arguments. Desk is not very good, but just for temperory, it is better than nothing. Then, problems came out, after he saw desks,he wants more for his church, since it is possible, that more students from the other univ. will come, they might need.

I do not know why I just feel very uncomfortable, BTW,I am christian also, I  want to do something to help someone a little bit, I just do not feel like to get involved with church people. Maybe my first feeling is a bad sigh, he took one of desks to church following my suggestion after some arguments again,  people there think it is good, then they all agree to get more, at least he told me. I am the one to talk to seller all the time, so he asked me to tell seller what they think, I did what he told me with strange feeling, seller is a very good people, he brought an ideas which is bid more desks for church, ok, I told his pastor what seller said, and I told him seller's number, to let him call him to see..they did not get to talk to each other because of some reasons.

Next day, I received e-mail from seller, he said he will save rest of desks for us, also he said his suggestion again, oh, my god, I thought it is already out of my hand, ok, I wrote back after I doubled comfirming with him to buy all desks. He reserved U-haul, then next day, church people called back, they do not need a lot of desks because of some reasons....

I was so angry even without much surprise.....

I was so angry because I hate 说话不算话的人, 而且还把我搅和进去,对于这个美国人,我们是中国人,而且我们还是christians,

I guess I did not feel surprise because 我的预感,女人的预感.

I had a big big argument with him, told him never never get involved me with his church people.
也许这也是我的一个功课,面对这样的christians,what can I do, I might need to make several plans to prepare...I told him later, he should keep his promise to buy all desks from his own pocket, he agreed, but renting a truck is not cheap, life is a headache sometimes...  
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