

(2009-07-18 16:48:56) 下一个

今天的实验都压在下午,上午学生没有来,part-time也不在, 以撒不知去了哪里, 老板最近不坐实验室了,我一个人守着这间很大的屋,好象我刚来这里工作的感觉回来了,有点儿轻松,那时候,我至少还没有被我的课题弄的头痛. 还有只有我和以撒,没有其他的人,没有来了又走了的轮转的学生和访问的学生,当然没有了随之而来的烦恼(不喜欢的人留着)和伤感(喜欢的人走了).




以撒是个来在非洲的虔诚的christian,他的祖父和父亲都是传教士,他自己也曾在教会里做事,当时的他已是很久没有去教堂了,他对那里的人失望让他选择自己worship 上帝,他说他每天都在感谢上帝, 上帝walked with him through many difficulty time in his life.我们也有争论关于基督徒的行为,那是去年的时候,他完全lost his control in front of other people, anyway, it was bad argument, I understood his point, but I did not like the way he talked it out., then I had to ask him out and prayed together to calm him down.


Yes, like in a family, arguments are not bad all the time, sometimes, it can get people closer, but it is hard to keep it in a good way carefully when people get excited.


I should say he is good man with some flaws like anyone else. I appreciated everything he did for me and especailly that I had a chance to trust someone even just for a while. Work is not that hard when you feel you have someone you trust around.


He will leave here sooner or later like he said; I guess no one really knows when that moment comes.


然而, 发生的事情有时候是无法弥补的, 以撒不再是那个可以让我信赖的同事,我曾经说过我很幸运有这样一位的同事,这个幸运可以弥补我的错误,来这个城市.



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