2007 (124)
2008 (55)
2009 (54)
2010 (76)
2014 (50)
2017 (70)
2018 (68)
2019 (49)
2020 (31)
2021 (30)
2022 (19)
1。必需是美国的公民或者resident alien (for tax purpose)(见后面的定义)。
2。合乎“relative as your depedent的条件:(参见040A,1040等line 6的说明)1。父母可以;2。你支持了他们一半以上;3。他们每个人的收入少于3650(人头deduction);。还有一些附加条件,一般与我们关系不大,象别人claim你作dependent....。请自己仔细读。
3。办好ITIN-该用W-7 form:http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw7.pdf
以上可以看出问题的关键是”Resident Alien for Tax Purpose”的定义:
第一个是Substantial Presence Test:
An individual temporarily present in the United States as a foreign government-related individual
A teacher or trainee temporarily present in the United States under a "J " or "Q " visa, who substantially complies with the requirements of the visa
A student temporarily present in the United States under an "F, " "J, " "M, " or "Q " visa, who substantially complies with the requirements of the visa
A professional athlete temporarily in the United States to compete in a charitable sports event
Conditions for a Closer Connection to a Foreign Country
这个比较tricky--请仔细读上面的link。我个人的理解就是:1。父母本年度有183天(多于一半的时间在美国);2。在中国即使有房子也不交税;3。当年给美国交的税比给中国的多(别忘了sale tax.)。