(2009-10-01 06:10:55)
这gifted班还是不一样,除每天好几张纸的作业外,最重要的是老爸老妈要参与儿子的学习--每天要在儿子的记事本上签字,每周要在儿子带回来的一个大信封上签字,表明父母看到了儿子一个礼拜的作业和考试成绩。上周五,老爸一到家,儿子就拿出了他的大信封,没等老爸看,就自己说了:Dad, I got only one F this week, not too bad. Over all, I have three As and two Bs. 老爸拿起儿子一周的作业和考试单,看了一遍,知道这个F的原因了,课堂考试,9道题,儿子作对了5道。按老师的标准,嘿嘿,少于60分,当然是F了。
老爸看了一下儿子的错误,哈哈,老毛病了--都是没仔细读资料就回答问题。 只有一道题是有点tricky的。扭头看看儿子:Not bad over all. However, you would have gotten a better score if you had been careful and paid more attention to the test. I have the same words to you again--if you don‘t know how to figure out a problem, and therefore you get a bad score, you deserve it; If you get a bad score because of your carelessness, you are a fool. Without this F, you could be an A for the subject. Oh, boy, I hope you learn the lesson。
儿子看了一眼老爸:I know, I know. Nobody is perfect, anyway.