2007 (124)
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2010 (76)
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2022 (19)
儿子读完了“Magic Tree House”系列,就根据他老师的建议和姐姐的推荐,开始了两个新的系列,“The Secret of Droon” 和 “Box Car Children”。一个是scientific fiction;另一个属于mystery。儿子开始兴趣不大。没办法,老爸又只好掏钱,按老规矩办,一个quarter,一本书。
读了一个星期,好像还是兴趣缺缺。老爸知道又到了战术调整的时候了。毕竟人家口袋里有60多快钱,感觉是世界上最有钱的人了。所以,老爸又和他谈判:“You have a gametube now, but not a lot of games to play. How about we make a new deal, you get a new game after you read 20 books from the library?”
“Really?” 儿子喜出望外。
“Of course as long as you read carefully!”
上个周末就陪着儿子从图书馆借了20本,一个系列10本。哈哈,效果还不错。现在对“The secret of Droon”都着迷了:吃饭也放不下书本。不催他, 就忘了往嘴里送。
老爸问他:“Is this an interested set?” 人家眼不离书,点一下头,继续埋头读呢。