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儿子最近开始学加减和进位。由于经常数钱,对 penny 换 dime 是再熟悉不过了,三天时间就学会了“满十向前进一“的规则。让他多做了两天的练习,记住规则,就按部就班地开始学两位数的减法。开始是简单地减法,不用从十位数借。小人儿还自我得意了一番:“ That’s easy, daddy. I can do it by myself 。”
谁知第二天,让他一个人做练习题,他哭开了:“ Too hard, daddy. I don’t know how to do it any more. ”
老爸只好放下自己的书,来帮他一把。给他重新讲了一遍“借”的原理,让他做了个 43 减 27 的练习。他倒好,从十位的 4 那里“借”是“借“了,并且把全部都“借“光了:“ Daddy, I don’t think I have enough to do the minus 2. ”
老爸奇怪,这儿子今天怎么不开窍了呢?只好问问他是怎么想的:“ How come there is nothing left after you borrowed 1 from the 4? ”
“ Daddy, I borrowed 4. ”
“ Why should you borrow 4? You only need 1, not 4, to have enough. ”
“ No, I do need 4. 3 plus 4 is 7. So I need borrow 4 to make 7. ”
“ You see, you need borrow 4 cents from me. However, I only have dimes. So you have to take 1 dime, not 4 cents, right? ”
终于让他懂了从十位“借”的含义:“ OK, OK, I get it now. ”
( 12/2/2006 )