

Yangyang 20m+1w: new development, joint activities

(2008-11-19 22:58:35) 下一个
Monday afternoon we came back from the park. When we were passing by a house, Yangyang did a cat's miao sound. I looked around but did not see any cat. Then I remembered that a couple of weeks ago when we passed by this house, I saw a cat and pointed it out to Yangyang. However, he was too short and could not see over the stone fence. All he could see was a metal horse, so he said "ma, ma". Eventually I raised the stroller so he could see the tail of the hiding cat. It was getting really dark, and I wasn't sure if he saw the cat. That was a couple of weeks ago and we hadn't come by this house for a while. I couldn't believe that Yangyang remembered this house, and the incident of that cat.

He loves the harmonica I bought him last weekend. He often picks it up and hands to me, and when I plays on it, he starts to laugh and dance.

I give him half a mini bagel, and he picks it up and put it next to his ear to talk on the "phone". At the dinner table, he picks up a penne pasta and talks on the pasta phone. Good pretend play!

He finally begins to imitate. He pays close attention to me, and imitates some of my actions, and occasionally my sounds. He now makes a lot of eye contacts with people. He is developing more slowly than most kids, but he is making steady progress. I am happy for that.

He loves to have me read books to him. He likes to chase me down, and hand me a book. When I sit down, he would happily sit on my lap and let me read to him. He has such a content expression on his face. If he just wakes up in his crib, first he would pick up a book and demand me to read to him. Sometimes he doesn't even pay attention to the book. He just likes the joint activity.

Yes, joint activity, finally!

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