


(2008-11-07 23:38:26) 下一个

Today I asked him to identify circle, square, triangle, and star. He was correct, but only when I asked in English, not Chinese.

I also asked him to identify the numbers 1 and 2, and he was correct, in both English and Chinese. We only did it one time.

Yesterday I asked him to feed his bear some milk, and he put his bottled milk to the bear's mouth. This morning he just picked up his rubber duck and tried to feed the duck some milk. Too cute!

He says "police car" with an accent, and then wu-5-wu-5", "yi-a-yi-a" to imitate the sound of the siren.

He loves fire trucks now, but he doesn't want to wear the fireman hat. He says "wu-5-wu-5" when he sees a fire truck or an ambulance.

I thought him the sign for helicopter a few days ago, and now he signs every time he hears or sees a helicopter, or when he hears me mention it. He puts his right index finger on his left palm and looks up for the helicopter.

We stopped by our neighbor's front yard to say hi. He clung to me for a long time, hugging my neck and not even letting me stand up. He was never so close to me. I had to enjoy the moment. After 5-10 minutes, he decided to check out the upper yard with the statue and some garden tools. The three ladies at the house all thought him most adorable.

I built a lego castle and he wasn't interested. But later he walked into the castle and tried to sit down, demolishing the whole structure. When I built another one, he pushed his train inside to park. Once he was inside, he also checked out some of the "features" on the castle. I've noticed that he likes to be "inside". He prefers the car that he can sit inside of to those ride-ons.

Today he sat on a booster chair to snack. At dinner in a restaurant, he had to sit in a booster and he was behaving very well. But the food was very slow and eventually he grew tired of it.

At the park or in a playgroup, he is very good at laughing with other kids. He often finds something or something other kids do funny, and he would giggle and laugh. His laughter is so infectious that soon the other kids would laugh with him. Then they would laugh together for some time. This is his way of interactive play.

He loves books. He like to find the lion and the cat in his books, but not the two birds in another similar book.

I put away his car stuff again when he is at home, and he is playing more with the bigger vehicles. It is also easier to get him to play other toys. Sometimes I will give him a toy car as a bonus, usually the $1 wooden cars from Target. He loves the wooden cars. He never plays with the plastic dump truck I recently bought him.

He imitates animal sounds: wu-wu-wu-ah for monkey, aaaaaaah for lion and tiger, qua-qua for frog.

He signs whenever he hears the itsy bitsy spider song. Every time a song, he would clap his hands. He would clap enthusiastically after we sing, especially the spider song. He is so encouraging.

He wakes up every evening around 10 and cries and fuss for a couple of hours. One night I thought he had stomach cramp so we gave him some tylenol. Now I think he just has nightmares and separation anxiety. I will have to sing the wheels on the bus song to calm him down, and I will talk about cars. Cars are the only things he listens.

He hasn't been eating well lately. He is frustrated with forks, and he can't use a spoon. He drinks from a glass without spill, although sometimes he likes to put his fingers in the glass. He eats hard boiled eggs. Loves animal crackers, and everything is "ma" (horse).

He calls a hippo in a book horse (ma), which in chinese is called a river-horse (he-ma). Today at the park, he pointed at a seahorse ride and said, ma.

He points at a beaver in a book and makes the cat meow sound. He thinks it's a cat. How cute.

A few days ago he picked up the sheep upon my request, and I asked him to give the sheep a kiss. He put the sheep to his face and let the sheep give him a peck on his cheek, just like when I gave him kisses. Every time I asked him to give me a kiss, he would turn his face toward me and let me kiss his cheek. Today again when I asked him to kiss the bear, he made the bear kiss him instead.


I was showing everyone his picture in the newspaper, but I didn't bring the paper to the moms group--not wanting to incite any jealousy.

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