self tests
(2006-07-11 19:55:39)
When we were watching the world cup, I did a first test. The result was positive.
This morning I tested again and got the same result. Was quite happy. Last night after I came back from volleyball, I found some blood and was puzzled and very disappointed. I immediately went online and did some research. About 30% of pregnancy experience bleeding, and half of that ends in miscarriage. Maybe I was playing too much volleyball yesterday. I wanted to have a last "fling". One girl from wxc said she plays 2 on 2 beach volleyball and she is 28 weeks, but right now I should stop for a while. I am looking for a doctor. Fortunately I got my health insurance last month. I suppose any doctor would do in this day & age.
I still don't know when it happened. It's after the last week of May when I had the rib fracture.
When I showed LG the result, he turned off world cup for a while. We didn't know what to say to each other. He washed the dishes before he went to off-roading with Tony. Probably he also needs time to think about this. What does it mean for us if it is true? We want to wait and see how nature takes its course.
When I went to play volleyball after the first test, I felt I knew a secret that nobody else knew. There was a girl from Isareal who would only play the setter position. Later the other guys told me it was because she was pregnant. I was probably foolish to dive for many balls.
I bought a South Park Kenny T-shirt for this occasion. It says "It's all good in the hood". Maybe I will become the hood.
When I was gardening yesterday, I thought about how we were all instrument of Life. It makes me feel good to be a channel through which Life goes through. I hope I will be a good instrument for Life.
Finally, my turn!