
Love Boy

(2011-11-25 11:01:16) 下一个

小家伙的学校每年都有个move-a-thon活动,我们家长捐款,小孩子们会有抽奖活动作为奖励。今年我们捐了十块钱。周二,他回家说;妈妈,emily won a prize today。我当时都没有反应过来,后来经他提醒才想起这个活动,我通常都是第一时间就把有关的钱啊,信息条啊什么交到学校。小家伙以为我还没有给学校交钱呢,还一个劲儿的催我。

周三下午我去车站接他的时候,邻居的印度小姑娘兴奋的告诉我,ian won, he won a prize ,he won a sled, I heard the annoucement at the school.  And he sure did. 校车一到站,我的小宝就像旋风试的刮了下来,嘴巴都合不拢了。

周三下午我去学校取sled,顺便把他接回来。我看到他时,他旁边有个小姑娘,小姑娘看ian要走,也试图跟着他走,回到家我问他;那个小姑娘是谁啊。‘ava’. ‘She wanted to come with you ,huh?’  ‘yeah, I have to hold here hands everyday when we are waiting for the bus.’  Oh? I got curious. ‘Why?’  ‘She always runs around, not stay on line, she is 4 ,you know , one year younger than me.’  ‘ does your teacher ask you to do that? ‘’yeah’’


Then there is something more interesting, he continued’’ I helped her to take off her coats and put them on everyday, sometimes I help her with her shoes also. She is much slower than I am.’’

‘She is not my friend at first, now she is .’’ ‘’

‘’Does she say thank you after you help her?’’


‘’well, she says excuse me after she sneeze in a very low voice, I think she is polit just too shy.’’


My love boy ,he supprises me everyday in every way. I am sooo proud of him.

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