

(2006-05-25 06:38:59) 下一个








àà 我的脑海顿时好像回到那远古的年代,那远洋探险的年代,那茶叶西送、钟表东输的时代。 我仿佛看见一艘艘满载货物的木帆,在风浪中颠簸地前进,看见站在港口码头上等候商船归来的茶商们脸上的喜悦,看见摆满东方丝绸商品的大小店铺,看见一部动人的史书à à 太奇妙、迷人了。



A Brief Trip to A Small Island

(Wei Wei)

I holidayed on a small island last summer. This is a small and little known island, off the south coast of England. It is truly a beautiful and magical place.

I like outings to islands, forests and places of interest. This small island has a special place in my heart. Why is it so special? Well. I always like nature, like beautiful and romantic places. Islands, I believe, hold the appealing and magical power for the imagination. The lofty mountains, small streams with clear water, and fast running rivers, are the real home of mankind. In the case of this small Island, it is blessed with wonders of nature. So when my friends suggested the idea of making a trip to there, I needn

Every place has something special to offer the tourist. London for example, is often said to be a city with a wealth of cultural assets. Switzerland, as a country, on the other hand, prides itself for the beautiful scenery for which it is famous. And the countries on the rims of the Mediterranean, it is the sun and the greenery sceneries that attract the visitor. This small island had attracted me long before we began the journey. I had longed to see the spectacular views that I had not seen before. And I was truly amused as soon as we landed there: Green plants everywhere; a small road winding seemingly endlessly towards the foot of the hills; every now and then a car would come into view, quietly, in no hurry at all. What a peaceful place this was!

We booked in a small family-run guest house by the sea, where every now and then the sound of gentle waves was heard outside. Behind the guest-house stood the hills, whose plants were dotted with beautiful flowers. As I was wearing a bright dress that morning, it looked as if I had arrived in a flowery world, or that I had stepped into an old Chinese landscape painting. Beside the road leading to the beach, there was a campsite with a few parked caravans. Not far from there stood some small shops, apparently catering for the holiday-makers.

The whole place seemed to be thinly populated, except for the holiday-makers, whom I guess would come mostly in the summer reason. However, everyone I met appeared to be very friendly and even helpful. Like nature itself, I thought, these folks showed what big cities lack these days: sincerity, kindness and trust. Everyone seemed to wear a smile or ready to give you a smile. And the island itself is so quiet, peaceful. The air was so fresh, with hardly any trace of environmental pollution. This is really fascinating, given the fact that it is just a short distance from the mainland.

We hired a car and drove round the island. Here and there we stopped to watch the sea waves off shore. The impacts between the waves and the cliffs produced the most spectacular sound that I had hardly heard before. I kept wondering what a world it might be under the deep, as I eyed in stillness the horizon beyond the blue sea, which itself was fascinating and expansive. The island

We stayed on the island for several days, enjoying everything the place had to offer. These were some of the most unforgettable days of my life. I felt free as a bird, energetic as a young child. I felt as if I had returned to nature, and be part of it. I liked it there so much that I did not even want to leave. This wonderful summer, this small yet beautiful place, will forever stay in my mind.

t a second thought to make a decision. s association with the past event was truly magical to me. We sat and rested on top of a hill, hardly spoke and lost in thought, wondering what this place might have been like centuries ago, and what life was like for the locals and what would be like on the other side of the vast ocean. Suddenly I felt as if I had gone back to the past, to the years when the worlds greatest maritime explorers were trying to map out our planet, to the years when tea traders and clock makers were busy with their businesses. I felt as if I was witnessing all these: tea traders anxiously waiting at the port for the arrival of the loads; shop windows full of silk products imported from the Fareast... I felt as if I reading a history book, so exciting and fascinating.

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