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根据万维虔谦网友的短篇小说《佳思地七十七号》改变的英文短片继在多个国际电影节中获奖,提名和展出后,今次在American Online 网络电影channel 隆重推出。时间为5/1 至5/14。 Producer's note: The film has not been released for public distribution, as specific premiere rules vary for different film festivals. However, you can watch the film through AOL Film Festival now till May 14. The AOL award will be based on audience votes. You pay $4 to see all the films in the festival. Here is the link: https://americanonlinefilmawards.org/film/14Sgrm62oe
电影采用大量的metaphor对生于死,犯罪与forgiveness进行了一次较为深刻的对话,但并不刻意drew a conclusion。因为,它将这一切留给观众自己去思考。。。