

(2007-05-24 21:03:51) 下一个
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People who are confident shine from their facial expression to their way of
acting. People like to be with self-confident people and feel thrilled.
Confident people believe in themselves, and believe they are good. They
always hold positive attitude. Confident people are not arrogant, and they
do not feel superior to others. There is a clear line between self-
confidence and arrogance.

I realize that I am shy and lack self-confidence long time ago. But I have
not decided to shake it off until very recently. Since very little, I did
not like to speak in public, and afraid of making presentation. Oh, it is so
easy to be nervous. Interview, calling 1-800 number, meeting, all these are
terrible memories. Not only these, but also I easily feel guilty, inferior
and blame myself for anything I feel I did inappropriately. Also, I easily
feel angry and split something unpleasant out.

Things begin to change recently. After watching the Oprah show, I realized
the importance of making decision and sticking to your goal. So, I made a
serious decision to myself that I must stick to my decisions and never
breach them. Since then, I never allow myself to think negatively. For any
task or challenge, I always think I can do and believe in myself. Always be
brave and courageous. Never be afraid of losing and failure. “Nobody could
make you feel inferior without your permission”, and “you have the
willpower to change anything”.

Diligence could boost confidence and self-esteem. After shaking off
indolence and laziness and getting things done, the feeling of achievement
and accomplishments is so wonderful. To this point, I see I am improving.
From housework to church activity, I improve the efficiency of utilizing my
time to do something that is more practical and more enjoyable. I do not try
to avoid responsibility any more, instead, see every responsibility as an
opportunity to train my ability and enhance skills. One of the changes I
found in myself is that I gradually open my heart and open my mind. “When
you never open your heart to others, it is hard for them to open their
hearts to you.” Yet I will have a lot more to improve and practice, I am
feeling a postive change and the road is long and the practice is a life-
long journey.

The following is what I found from internet, it is enlightening people.

I think that self-confidence is very important. If you have low self-esteem
, you will not dream up goals because you will think that it is impossible
to reach them. Without goals, however, life would be meaningless and boring.
Having a goal is like putting an apple in front of a horse, to make it move
forward. Each time you reach your goal, your self-confidence grows stronger
and you are encouraged to set a new goal. Each time you accomplish
something you set out to do, you get a good feeling. This feeling cannot be
taken away from you.

You don\'t feel good because you are better than someone else; you feel good
because of personal achievement. After you have reached a goal, you must
continue to set goals in order to move forward in life.”

It sounds like that goal-orientedness is not a bad idea. Why not start from
today. There are so many good advice I cannot disagree.

1. “Be light, humorous, eager to learn, courageous to change and not afraid
of making mistakes.”.

2. “On the other hand, if you feel hatred and ill feeling towards others,
they may feel similarly toward you, and as a result, suspicion and fear will
create a distance between you and make communication difficult. You will
then feel lonely and isolated. Not all members of your community will have
similar negative feelings toward you, but some may look on you negatively
because of your own feeling. If you harbour negative feelings toward others
and yet expect them to be friendly to you, you are being illogical. “

3. Love yourself in a wholesome way, like mom loves their childrens
unconditionally. Know what is the right thing to do and what is the wrong
thing to do.

4. Recognition, understanding and change.

Life is short, and why we don’t enjoy every moment of life, and learn to
open our heart and see a happy world and a happy oneself.

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