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mapesbel 回复 悄悄话 bl 评论于:2013-07-16 18:14:56 [回复评论]



mapesbel 回复 悄悄话 zimmerman停下车,走到车外,是去看路标去了,因为他要告诉警察他的具体位置。至于他俩为什么打起来,很多人不相信zimmerman的话,大家有很多猜测。但是没有目击证人。法律不能靠猜的。疑点利益只能归于被告。
bl 回复 悄悄话 二级谋杀罪不够格,防卫过当应该可判。
LemanRuss 回复 悄悄话 回复xwenxuecityy的评论:
Etornado 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,过路人路过和xwenxuecityy扛上了。xwenxuecityy到处拉屎,难得过路人路过到处去帮他擦。
过路人路过 回复 悄悄话 "There was a couple of them in there that wanted to find him guilty of something and after hours and hours and hours of deliberating over the law, and reading it over and over and over again, we decided there's just no way, other place to go." she said.

It sounds as if the jury gave it more than their all, especially if a "couple of jurors" wanted to find him guilty of something. They read the laws that govern the charges and they just couldn't make one stick under the circumstances. This is why Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges
过路人路过 回复 悄悄话 好了找到原始出处了。请仔细看英文报道。
是一开始的时候陪审员有分歧。有陪审员成心要证明Zimmerman 有罪。但是在检查证据和法律条文很多遍后,还是无法证明Zimmerman有任何罪。最后无罪的判决还是6人一致做出的。

楼下的xwenxuecityy 是不是当年的4级都没过?

Juror B37 said that if Zimmerman was guilty of anything, "he was guilty of not using good judgment." She also said that he called 911 from the car and he should not have gotten out of the car.

This well spoken juror conveyed that she thinks that Zimmerman got in way over his head and she believes he shouldn't have been there, but she also believes Martin threw the first punch. She said she thinks Martin wasn't going to let Zimmerman think he could scare him and she "thinks Trayvon got mad and attacked him."

It was apparent to Juror B37 that it was Zimmerman's voice heard on the tape screaming for help because he felt his life was in danger. This was before he shot Martin. The juror said:

"He had a right to defend himself," she said. "If he felt threatened that his life was going to be taken away from him, or he was going to have bodily harm, he had a right."

The initial vote was divided, Juror B37 shared with Cooper. At first three of the jurors voted Zimmerman was guilty and the other three jurors voted that Zimmerman was not- guilty. Juror B37 said that she was one of the people on the jury that believed he was not guilty from the get go.

"There was a couple of them in there that wanted to find him guilty of something and after hours and hours and hours of deliberating over the law, and reading it over and over and over again, we decided there's just no way, other place to go." she said.

It sounds as if the jury gave it more than their all, especially if a "couple of jurors" wanted to find him guilty of something. They read the laws that govern the charges and they just couldn't make one stick under the circumstances. This is why Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges.

It wasn't the color of Trayvon's skin that made Zimmerman suspicious, it was the way Trayvon was acting. She does not believe that Zimmerman profiled Trayvon. She went on to say how Trayvon's actions looked suspicious to George:

"Anybody would think anybody walking down the road, stopping and turning and looking -- if that's exactly what happened -- is suspicious," she said.

"I think all of us thought race did not play a role," the juror said . "We never had that discussion."

There you have it, the race discussion never came up because the six jurors didn't believe that was an issue in this case. Juror B37, who was planning to write a book about this experience, sounded as if she started to cry towards the end of the interview as her voice cracked when she said:

"It's a tragedy this happened. But it happened, And I think both were responsible for the situation they had gotten themselves into. I think both of them could have walked away. It just didn't happen."

Just hours after the interview was over, Jury B36 literary agent, Sharlene Martin, released a statement from Juror B37 saying she would no longer write a book.
汽笛风琴 回复 悄悄话 I was using Google on my iPad. You might want to try juror b37, Anderson cooper.
过路人路过 回复 悄悄话 回复汽笛风琴的评论:

给出的连接不 work.
临江县知县 回复 悄悄话 揍人的理由太多了。
你是城里人,和我争执就是对我们乡下人的不敬。vise versa
你是北方人,和我争执就是对我们南方人的不敬。vise versa
汽笛风琴 回复 悄悄话 http://ipad.gossipcop.com/gossipcop/#!/entry/george-zimmerman-juror-b37-reveals-jury-vote-to-anderson-cooper,51e49eedda27f5d9d0f87a3a
判决结果。 xwenxuecityy 没造谣。
braker999 回复 悄悄话 请问楼主知道有公检法,那么警察和司法哪个对治安影响大?
亦樵书法1 回复 悄悄话 如果在中国,那叫保安无奈开枪击毙嫌犯,要发奖状,大伙也要去搓一顿的
过路人路过 回复 悄悄话 过路人路过 评论于:2013-07-15 20:44:31 [回复评论]

为什么楼下的不停的造谣?消息出处在那里?一点常识都没有。陪审团裁决要全体同意,要么有罪,要么无罪。如果分歧不能统一,就要retrial. 不排除一开始有意见分歧,但最后的无罪应该是6人的一致意见。



xwenxuecityy 评论于:2013-07-16 04:12:40 [回复评论]
xwenxuecityy 回复 悄悄话 Z滥用他的权力,挑拨,激怒,又杀死了一个无辜的少年。这判决是一个典型的司法秀。