  • 博客访问:

10/27 星期三

(2010-10-26 20:15:25) 下一个
每个公司都应该有个舒服的卫生间,干净,温暖,柔和的灯光,舒缓的音乐... 卫生间不单是为了‘方便’,于我,那里是最后的避难所。有时候坐在电脑前,看着不停闪烁的chat窗口,堆积如山的emails,却没有自己期待的那一封,疲倦,不停的逼迫自己工作却无法提起精神,压力到一定的警戒线,我就会躲到卫生间去。什么都不干,只是坐在暖烘烘的toilet上(God bless whoever invented it),发呆,想一想自己试图不再去想的事情,有时候崩溃的哭一会儿,10-15分钟,发泄完毕,情绪稳定,整理一下妆容,没事儿人一样的回到自己的桌前。15分钟前那个在卫生间里歇斯底里发作的自己,并未消失,只是暂时的被抑制住,不知道什么时候还会出现。但至少不会在办公室里失态,于人于己,都是件大大的好事。不知道别人有没有这样的状况,或者是我需要去看therapist. 至少我可以在一定范围内控制住情绪,问题似乎还不是critical.

10月末,各种Performance Measurement, 和上司谈话,觉得很麻烦。Sometimes I wish everybody or everything could just leave me alone, dont bother, please... But that is just the fantasy, and I definitely dont want my boss to leave me alone, which would be a very bad sign. 有时候想想,life is quite funny, 每个人都在演戏,或者演自己,或者演别人眼里的自己,说一些言不由衷的话,做一些不得不做的事情。Lots of times, there is a voice inside my head saying 'what the f*ck u doing?', or 'have you lost your f*cking mind?', or 'you must be kidding to say those BS...' blah blah... Yes, I did say whatever my boss would like to hear, which I honestly dont give shit, so what?! Its not really a fun game to try manipulating people's minds, but think about what you wanna achieve, -- 'Just do it', lol.

When it comes to relationship issues, the same shit... lol. B is coming back, and I supposed to be excited for seeing him after 4 months, but the truth is that, I am totally freaked out. I am not sure how to deal with him in real life, and not sure what I expect from him, or what he is able to offer. I send cheerful messages to him all the time, just becasue thats what he wanna see, a happy little gf who is waiting for him home. If I complain about things or question on our future, it would only lead to argument, so why bother? I dont know whats going on, and I am trying to care less, nothing I can do, and I am tired of making any effort. we will see.

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阅读 ()评论 (4)
jgey 回复 悄悄话 被逼无奈,呵呵
sony008 回复 悄悄话 你慢慢长大啦
jgey 回复 悄悄话 哈哈...你还怕人看哦...
G.C. 回复 悄悄话 终于有更新了。有个舒服的卫生间不错啦,我们的厕所门的缝隙太大,总觉的外面的人能看见。