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4/5 星期三

(2006-04-05 02:28:58) 下一个

清明是不是应该下雨? 我讨厌雨天,早晨迟到,进会议室,所有人都行注目礼,TEAM里的人在偷笑.周末OFFICE搬回ROPPONGI,工作没多久,一直搬来搬去的.可以早点开始去GYM,总是好事,最近胃口出奇的好,不住嘴的吃"垃圾食品",FEEL GUILTY.昨晚吃了一袋薯片,睡觉前内疚的做了100次SIT-UP,觉得以后还是不要吃的好,太累了.

昨天下班的路上,在一家CD店里看到我最喜欢的一部电影的DVD,正在减价,立即买下.[The Replacements] by Keanu Reeves, Gene Hackman,这电影我看过至少50遍,第一次看在澳洲,HOTEL CABLE MOVIE,回来后去VIDEO店借来录下,然后反反复复的看.其实,这电影并没有很深刻的意义,只是非常商业化的COMEDY,Keanu Reeves看起来也并不很象一位优秀的QUARTERBACK,但它有一种可以CHEER ME UP的能力.

1.我非常喜欢的一个SCENE,--TEAM在BAR和别人打架后,被关在警局,等COACH来领人.大家没有沮丧,而是开心的唱[I WILL SURVIVE],跳舞...喜欢这种乐观的精神,无论怎样的境遇.我讨厌总是抱怨的人,生活很简单,如果你可以改变它,就去改变,如果改变不了,不如闭上嘴安静的忍受.

2.COACH说过,"give your dream a second chance." 很多时候,我们都会面对一个SECOND CHANCE,每个人态度不同.有人害怕,怕重蹈覆辙,于是失去机会;有人勇敢,take it, and gain glory."好了伤疤,忘了痛",个人认为,这样的态度比较积极.

...受CHIC影响,我也变成LIST MANIAC,不过,今天没什么情绪写东西,具体的影评看这个吧,写得很详细:

Expected storyline, but completely unexpected hilarity, 30 July 2000
wrygrass from Washtington State

To work, comedy has to be unexpected. And that is just what makes "The Replacements" work so well. Oh, not that the storyline is unexpected, for from it. But the actual comedy embedded in that plot is often delightfully quirky and quite unusual in this extremely good-natured and entertaining film. The very first scene, for example, takes place in a completely unexpected setting and proceeds in a really odd-ball way.

As it is most times, Keanu Reeves acting is subtle. In this film you have to watch those eyes that are so eloquent when he's discouraged and listen to those little expelled breaths that convey so well (and so humorously) his state of mind when he's near the girl he's finds attractive. It's all there, and more, if you watch closely. Reeves is completely believable as a man who needs a second chance to do something he loves--play football. It's like he's a different person on and off the field--and that's exactly what the movie was trying to convey. The development (redemption is only too slightly strong a word) of Reeves' character is excellently portrayed. That struggle to overcome provides a good solid center around which all the hilarity revolves and becomes funnier in contrast.

Gene Hackman and the rest of this ensemble cast did a great job--everyone has his or her moments. If the movie has a weakness, it's the romance. Not that Brook Langton and Reeves aren't good in the clinches--they have a definite chemistry. But it seems like there should have just been one scene between them with some real substance.

"The Replacements" also succeeds well as a football movie. The great photography and sound; the inventiveness of the script in dreaming up unusual and funny, yet still plausible, game events; and the evident attention to training for and depicting the physical moves, all add up to a movie which sports fans will relish. And yet, the football plays, are presented so clearly that even someone who's not a knowledgeable football fan can understand everything that's happening, even the first time.

Comedy is tough--it's quite an achievement to have folks in the theater laughing for most of two hours. And that's certainly what the audience did when I saw "The Replacements." As well as cheering out loud for the "home team," clapping at the end, and coming out feeling like dancing to "I Will Survive" like they did in the movie. As well as feeling like we can survive and be ourselves--just like those scrappy, eccentric replacements.

Go Falco!!!


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jgey 回复 悄悄话 贴个好笑的励志小段子:


jgey 回复 悄悄话 怎么啦?为什么比较压抑?工作的事情?


小蝎子 回复 悄悄话 偶最近比较压抑的说,,,好想旅行啊, 想去香格里拉~~ 可是一方面还要和时间妥协, 复活节还要回公司, 偶只想说: 他妈的!!!

8好意思啊, 可以随时删掉偶的回贴~~