
瑜珈练习体会 - 拜日式

(2008-06-03 12:13:39) 下一个

瑜珈练习体会  -  拜日式

我相信全世界的瑜珈爱好者都非常熟悉和喜爱 “ 拜日式 ” 这套动作。据说是古代印度人清晨起床后,面对地平线上那冉冉升起的太阳,为表达心中的膜拜之情创造了这一系列姿势,以感激太阳赐与人类光明和能量。

当你开始做‘拜日式’时,你会想到生命的开始而充滿感恩的心,当太阳出來时,万物才开始有了生命,从此,一元复始,万象更新。在呼吸的配合下,十二个简单的动作,舒展肢体,活化脊椎,促进周身血液循环,使头部供血,供氧充足,增强记忆力,而且十二个动作都分别对身体的某个系统有益处,把它们连贯起来,就能把全身的各个系统调动起来,和谐完美地工作,既放松又振奋了我们的身体。如果每天能把这套动作做上几遍,感觉真的是舒活筋骨,轻松舒展。 在练习‘拜日式’时,特別能从中感受到‘流 Flow ’,每一個呼吸都在替换着下一個动作,吸气向上、吐气向下、吸气向前、吐气向后,然后停留在‘下狗式 Downward facing dog ’ 保持 5 个深呼吸,感觉呼吸与动作之间的微妙关系,而这个关系将強烈的维持到最后。


呼吸 Breath Ujjiyi

喉式呼吸是一種能帶來活力的特殊呼吸方法,它的方式是經由鼻子呼吸,並且吸氣及吐氣時會從喉嚨後方發出一種柔軟的聲息。它是將吸入的空氣先輕柔的在喉嚨後方流動,然後再到肺部。就是這個流動在喉嚨的聲音,被《星際大戰》裏的黑武士形容成 “ 風吹過樹梢、遠方的海洋、蛇的吐信、一首簡短的詩。 ”Ujjiyi 的意思是勝利,它是一種能帶來身體熱量的呼吸方式,最好只用於你動作練習時,不要用於想把身體放鬆時。 ( 請在合格老師的指導下練習 ) 喉式呼吸法最主要的是在呼吸時去創造一種節奏並且能輕巧的駕馭它,這個聲音會變成讓心靈集中的經文,當我們學會呤聽呼吸的聲音,將會引導我們在瑜伽練習時更加的平靜。如果我們呼吸得太用力,呼吸將會變得太強迫;如果太輕微,呼吸很容易被思想所打斷。維持注意力在你的呼吸上,那麽每一次呼吸都是一次冥想。

“拜日式” 动作流程如下。相信朋友们长期练习下去一定能体会到这套动作的精华从而使自己身体充满活力。 

Sun Salutation
(surya namaskar)

Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation, is a series of 12 postures performed in a single, graceful flow. Each movement is coordinated with the breath. Inhale as you extend or stretch, and exhale as you fold or contract. The Sun Salutation builds strength and increases flexibility. Different styles of yoga perform the Sun Saluation with their own variations. However, the flow presented below covers core steps used in most styles.

For the series below, a single round consists of two complete sequences: one for the right side of the body and the other for the left.

On days when you think you have no time for yoga, try and do at least one or two rounds of the Sun Salutation. You'll feel the difference.

1. Mountain

Begin by standing in Mountain pose, feet about hip width apart, hands either by your sides or in prayer position. Take several deep breaths.

2. Hands up

On your next inhale, in one sweeping movement, raise your arms up overhead and gently arch back as far as feels comfortable and safe.

3. Head to knees

As you exhale, bend forward, bending the knees if necessary, and bring your hands to rest beside your feet.

4. Lunge

Inhale and step the right leg back

5. Plank

Exhale and step the left leg back into plank position. Hold the position and inhale.

6. Stick

Exhale and lower yourself as if coming down from a pushup. Only your hands and feet should touch the floor.

7. Upward Dog

Inhale and stretch forward and up, bending at the waist. Use your arms to lift your torso, but only bend back as far as feels comfortable and safe. Lift your legs up so that only the tops of your feet and your ahnds touch the floor. It's okay to keep your arms bent at the elbow.

8. Downward dog

Exhale, lift from the hips and push back and up.

9. Lunge

Inhale and step the right foot
forward .

10. Head to knees

Exhale, bring the left foot forward and step into head-to-knee position.

11. Hands up

Inhale and rise slowly while keeping arms extended .

12. Mountain

Exhale, and in a slow, sweeping motion, lower your arms to the sides. End by bringing your hands up into prayer position. Repeat the sequence, stepping with the left leg.

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清风蝶影 回复 悄悄话 谢谢雨蝶来访!过奖了。:) 看来我们的爱好有许多都相同,唱歌,烹饪,瑜珈等等 ^_^ 希望有时间能多交流!
断翅的雨蝶 回复 悄悄话 哇,除了歌唱的好,对yoga学习也这么专业,太棒了,真是好帖子,先收藏了,谢谢:-)!