菜谱列表(更新于 2011/3/7)
文章来源: Ruby@Cuisine2008-03-12 07:33:12

Whole wheat chiffon cake


『Toddler food』Spinach pancake


『Baby food』Steamed egg yolk


Roasted duck


Deer chop


Baked pork chop with breadcrumbs


Mini egg tart


Gorgeous roasted pork loin

家 有豆芽初长成 

My home grown bean sprout

果 仁枣子玛芬  

Walnut date muffin

过 节尝尝烤年糕

Baked glutinous rice cake

橙 皮糖   

Candied orange zest

爬 梯小食——蝴蝶酥   

Palmitos (Le palmier)

宫 保鸡丁   

Kong (Gong) bao chicken

八 宝饭   

Eight-treasure rice pudding

蹦 出弹牙牛肉丸   

Super yummy beef meatball

粉 好吃的粉蒸猪肉  

Steamed pork with rice flour

高 蛋白的吐丝面包  

High protein bread

周 末的午餐:春饼和蔓越酥皮甜点   

Saturday lunch: homemade roll and cranberry dessert

枣 泥葡萄干方饼   

Raisin date square

比 较成功的羊角酥皮面包   

My first croissant

平 常人家的越南卷  

Roll, roll, roll a roll

营 养早餐:全麦酸面包 

Breakfast: Fresh whole wheat sourdough bread

黑 色甜面包  

Molasses bread

超 级简单的水面筋和烤麸   

Steamed and boiled gluten

(瑞 典)果仁球  

Almond Butter Ball

烤 猪脚圈

Baked pork hock

法 式巧克力甜点 Gâteau au chocolat

Gâteau au chocolat

 葱 油饼的做法  

Green onion pancake

冷 冻杏仁奶酪蛋糕

Mini frozen almond cheesecake

酥 皮枣泥饺

Chinese flaky pastry snack

脆 皮鸡腿

Baked chicken thigh with crispy skin

一 碟酱黄豆

Soybean in soy sauce

大 理石戚风蛋糕

Marble chiffon cake

又 是青口上季时


兔 爪解放记

First bread by breadmaker

葱 烤鸡腿

Braised chicken leg with green onion

甜 点一款 -- 布朗尼

Party dessert -- Brownie

橄 榄油餐包

Olive oil bread

虹 鳟划水

Braised trout in soy sauce with sweet and sour taste

酱 骨酱面酱酱酱

My dark sauce dinner

周 末早餐:花生酱玛芬

Peanut butter muffin

卤 蛋

Stewed egg with pork

烤 椒盐排骨

Baked pork chop with sichuan pepper powder

艳 橘配芜菁

Braised rutabaga with tangerine

总 算把这块 Pork rib eye 干掉了

Pork rib eye

苹 果燕麦玛芬

Apple oat muffin

适 合上班族的简易糖醋排骨

Super easy sour and sweet pork rib

梳 小辫的餐包

White bread plait

麻 婆豆腐

Mapo Tofu

第 二次做 apple pie:成功啦 

Apple pie

上 汤芦笋


鸡 饭

Chicken rice

糖 醋花生肉丁

Sweet and sour pork dices with peanut

缠 蹄

Boned pork hock roll

传 统方法烧米饭

Cook rice without rice cooker?

酸 馒头好吃吗?

How does steamed sourdough bun taste?

比 目鱼


当 当当,新鲜酸面包出炉

Sourdough bread

酸 面包引子:第二天

Sourdough starter: Day 2

酸 面包引子:第一天

Sourdough starter: Day 1

从 一杯鸭油想起

Duck fat: Healthy or not?

天 然的味道:三文鱼和西红柿

Natural taste: Salmon and tomato

香 煎小嫩鱼

Lightly fried tender smelt

俺 的小小创作:木薯糍

cassava dessert

农 家烩杂蔬 Ratatouille


汤 圆

Tangyuan for Lantern Festival

西 米布丁

Tapioca pudding

佛 手瓜


无 甜面酱版酱鸭

Braised duck

米 糕

Rice cake

再 做豆沙

Homemade red bean paste


Homemade Rice powder


Stewed pork

水 晶皮冻

Homemade gelatin

烤 火鸡卷

Turkey roll

豆 腐蛋蓉汤

Soup with tofu and egg


Shanghai Bok Choy

周 末简餐:盐水火鸡

Salted turkey


Steamed bread (bun)


Spicy turkey

孜 然羊肉

Cumin lamb

西 米露

Tapioca pearl dessert

豆 角丝炒牛肉糜

Stir-fried julienne green bean and ground beef


Cocoa almond biscotti




Baked pork rib


Bake with soybean residue -- Bread

酱 火鸡

Boned, braised and sliced turkey in soy sauce


Milk chiffon cake

粗 粮玛芬

Bake with soybean residue -- Muffin

豆 浆三部曲

Soy milk

北 海道牛奶土司

Hokkaido Milk Loaf

当 排骨遇到卷心菜

Braised pork chop with cabbage

丝 滑鸡蛋羹

Silky steamed egg custard

Cottage cheesecake pie

Low calorie dessert: Cottage cheesecake pie

无 油版酸奶吐司面包

Fat-free yogurt bread

原 味酸奶的制作(总结)

Homemade plain yogurt