
Conference Rankings

(2004-12-01 09:24:50) 下一个
AREA: System Technology
  Rank 1:
       SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & Apps
       INFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm Soc
       SPAA: Symp on Parallel Algms and Architecture
       PODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed Computing
       PPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
       RTSS: Real Time Systems Symp
       SOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS Principles
       SOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and Implementation     
       CCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications Security
       IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
       MOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and Networking
       USENIX Conf on Internet Tech and Sys
       ICNP: Intl Conf on Network Protocols
       PACT: Intl Conf on Parallel Arch and Compil Tech
       RTAS: IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
       ICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp Systems
  Rank 2:
       CC:  Compiler Construction
       IPDPS: Intl Parallel and Dist Processing Symp
       IC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and Networks
       ICPP: Intl Conf on Parallel Processing
       SRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed Systems
       MPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt Interconns
       ASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array Processors
       Euro-Par: European Conf. on Parallel Computing
       Fast Software Encryption
       Usenix Security Symposium
       European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
       WCW:  Web Caching Workshop
       LCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks
       IPCCC: IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & Communications
       CCC:  Cluster Computing Conference
       ICC:  Intl Conf on Comm
       WCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
       CSFW: IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop
  Rank 3:
       MPCS: Intl. Conf. on Massively Parallel Computing Systems
       GLOBECOM: Global Comm
       ICCC: Intl Conf on Comp Communication
       NOMS: IEEE Network Operations and Management Symp
       CONPAR: Intl Conf on Vector and Parallel Processing
       VAPP: Vector and Parallel Processing
       ICPADS: Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems
       Public Key Cryptosystems
       Annual Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography
       Australasia Conference on Information Security and Privacy
       Int. Conf on Inofrm and Comm. Security
       Financial Cryptography
       Workshop on Information Hiding
       Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference
       ICON: Intl Conf on Networks
       NCC: Nat Conf Comm
       IN: IEEE Intell Network Workshop
       Softcomm: Conf on Software in Tcomms and Comp Networks
       INET:  Internet Society Conf
       Workshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerce
       PARCO: Parallel Computing
       SE: Intl Conf on Systems Engineering (**)
       PDSECA: workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing with Applications
       CACS: Computer Audit, Control and Security Conference
       SREIS: Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security
       SAFECOMP: International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security
       IREJVM: Workshop on Intermediate Representation Engineering for the Java Virtual Machine
       EC: ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce
       EWSPT: European Workshop on Software Process Technology
       HotOS: Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems
       HPTS: High Performance Transaction Systems
       Hybrid Systems
       ICEIS: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
       IOPADS: I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems
       IRREGULAR: Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems
       KiVS: Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen
       LCR: Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers
       MCS: Multiple Classifier Systems
       MSS: Symposium on Mass Storage Systems
       NGITS: Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems
       OOIS: Object Oriented Information Systems
       SCM: System Configuration Management
       Security Protocols Workshop
       SIGOPS European Workshop
       SPDP: Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing
       TreDS: Trends in Distributed Systems
       USENIX Technical Conference
       VISUAL: Visual Information and Information Systems
       FoDS: Foundations of Distributed Systems: Design and Verification of Protocols conference
       RV: Post-CAV Workshop on Runtime Verification
       ICAIS: International ICSC-NAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent Systems
       ITiCSE: Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education
       CSCS: CyberSystems and Computer Science Conference
       AUIC: Australasian User Interface Conference
       ITI: Meeting of Researchers in Computer Science, Information Systems Research & Statistics
       European Conference on Parallel Processing
       RODLICS: Wses International Conference on Robotics, Distance Learning & Intelligent Communication Systems
       International Conference On Multimedia, Internet & Video Technologies
       PaCT: Parallel Computing Technologies workshop
       PPAM: International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics
       International Conference On Information Networks, Systems And Technologies
       AmiRE: Conference on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment
       DSN: The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
       IHW: Information Hiding Workshop
       GTVMT: International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques
AREA: Applications and Media
  Rank 1:
       I3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D Graphics
       SIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH Conference
       ACM-MM: ACM Multimedia Conference
       DCC: Data Compression Conf
       SIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelling of Comp Sys
       SIGIR: ACM SIGIR Conf on Information Retrieval
       PECCS: IFIP Intl Conf on Perf Eval of Comp \& Comm Sys
       WWW: World-Wide Web Conference
  Rank 2:
       IEEE Visualization
       EUROGRAPH: European Graphics Conference
       CGI: Computer Graphics International
       CANIM: Computer Animation
       PG: Pacific Graphics
       ICME: Intl Conf on MMedia & Expo
       NOSSDAV: Network and OS Support for Digital A/V
       PADS: ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel \& Dist Simulation
       WSC: Winter Simulation Conference
       ASS: IEEE Annual Simulation Symposium
       MASCOTS: Symp Model Analysis \& Sim of Comp \& Telecom Sys
       PT: Perf Tools - Intl Conf on Model Tech \& Tools for CPE
       NetStore: Network Storage Symposium
       MMCN: ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking
       JCDL: Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
  Rank 3:
       ACM-HPC: ACM Hypertext Conf
       MMM: Multimedia Modelling
       DSS: Distributed Simulation Symposium
       SCSC: Summer Computer Simulation Conference
       WCSS: World Congress on Systems Simulation
       ESS: European Simulation Symposium
       ESM: European Simulation Multiconference
       HPCN:  High-Performance Computing and Networking
       Geometry Modeling and Processing
       DS-RT:  Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications
       IEEE Intl Wshop on Dist Int Simul  and Real-Time Applications
       ECIR: European Colloquium on Information Retrieval
       IMSA: Intl Conf on Internet and MMedia Sys
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