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(2008-02-15 17:37:36) 下一个


I was lucky to receive my son’s first gift on V Day.

Yesterday, his grandpa was doing some Chinese buns. Not surprisingly, the little guy had to be involved and play with a block of dough. When he got bored with the dough, he started with dry flour. And then, he presented his creativity. With one of his dreams of being a chef in the future, he trained himself at very early age. Yesterday was one of his trainings and it turned out to be my first V Day gift.

While he was busy with flour, he found some freshly cleaned strawberries on the table. Before we warned him of doing anything, he had already put all strawberries into the container and mixed with the flour.

“Mommy, I am cooking, do not bother me”. See, before I was mad, he had warned me. OK, I gave in.

“Mommy, it is done. Try it please.” A strawberry wrapped with white flour in a spoon was sent to my mouth.

Well, it looked very good and I was sure it tasted good too without dry flour. However, I had to be a brave mother to eat it facing the little guy’s sincere eyes and sweet smile. But….

“Wow, it is so beautiful. Did you add salt?” I teased him.


“Did you cook long enough?”

“Yes.” The little guy replied me firmly.

“How about we name it first? How about 踏雪寻梅?

“OK”. A little impatient now.

Ok, no more questions. “Thank you honey,” I put the strawberry into my mouth.

This was the sweetest gift I have ever received on V Day.


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海鸥飞处 回复 悄悄话 A creative child will need a brave mom to take the consequence. Anyway, very poetic name of the product.
melly 回复 悄悄话 回复静水苍兰的评论:

yes and no. I have to take care more. :))
静水苍兰 回复 悄悄话 呵呵,好可爱的宝宝,MELLY的幸福生活开始了))
melly 回复 悄悄话 回复归来的评论:

sorry 归来 被忽悠了。希望玫瑰没有让你失望。:))
melly 回复 悄悄话 回复飞飞~的评论:

Thank you 飞飞, little guy is cute from time to time. Sometimes, he is too energetic and creative. :)))
飞飞~ 回复 悄悄话 哇,好可爱的儿子,MELLY真会起名字啊,很有想象力。:)
归来 回复 悄悄话 一看标题赶快进来。

What a lovely boy!

踏雪寻梅, what a sweetest gift!

But for me, 凌风斗雪来寻梅, 没寻到,

melly 回复 悄悄话 回复flamenco_girl的评论:

Hehe... this was something funny. Sometimes, he is so obstinate, the only thing I really want to do is spank him. :))
flamenco_girl 回复 悄悄话 Live with it, sweetly :-) You are quite good natured towards your son.