
与人方便自己方便 = 情けは人の為ならず


(2005-12-23 13:26:57) 下一个
First Of May When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall, we used to love while others used to play. Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far away. Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small, and you don't ask the time of day. But you and I, our love will never die, but guess we'll cry come first of May. The apple tree that grew for you and me, I watched the apples falling one by one. And I recall the moment of them all, the day I kissed your cheek and you were mine. When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall, do do do do do do do do do... Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far way.
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sasuke 回复 悄悄话 自然流露さんへ、元旦快乐!人在日本の常連客にそちらの気持ちを伝えたよ。

自然流露 回复 悄悄话 おいおいおい、辛うじてやっと確信した。人在日本の常連客に良いお年をっていう俺の気持ちを伝えてもらえないか?誰でもいいや、何とかちゃんお願いね
自然流露 回复 悄悄话 あらららら、また入ったなあ、勘違いじゃないかよ、可笑しいなあ
自然流露 回复 悄悄话 祝进来的人元旦快乐。好像在这里能发帖,到论坛怎么不能呢?怪哉。代理服务器出来都德行?
sasuke 回复 悄悄话 一応...メリークリスマス!哈哈。

