
小东西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小东西之二: Evan, 11 years old
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Email Messages from Olivia While Mommy was in China

(2007-11-27 19:01:37) 下一个

"Hey mom I hope you have a good time.  I want you to have a
nice trip at China.  I hope that you can stay healthy in
China.   I miss you a lot. I love you, try to call me."

Hi Mommy,

I miss you a lot. Can you email me back to tell me when you
are coming back ?  And I hope you're having a good time in
China.  Give Wai Gong and Wai Po a kiss from me.  I hope
you make new friends at China.  When you were in China
Chinese class was good and I finished Lauren's Webkinz
outfit so when you come back you will not have to help me
with it.

I love you.  I'll call you maybe one day at midnight.

Love, Olivia

10/25/2007 (looks like Olivia typed this one herself)
Hi” mommy

Mom i am not haveing fun not even haveing 1% of fun.
Because Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to the mall and i went to the pet store and I got
to pet a cute puppy on 10/25/07.

I  LOVE   YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evan says:

Hello Mommy, I love you !!!)

Hello Mommy,

What Daddy wouldn't let me do was play on Webkinz because
my Webkinz are sick, all of them.

I also want to know what kind of pencil box I have.

I had a parade today.  We got lots of treats.  We played a
mummy game where Mrs. Santangelo, which is Sara's mom, she
unrolled toilet paper and taped prizes on it and then she
rolled it back up and then she brought it to school for the
game.  And what you do is Mrs. Santangelo would wrap it
around you and you would win a prize and I got a yo-yo.

Mommy, I'm writing you a card.  There will be two mints in
it.  Once I emailed you and said I will call you at
midnight and what I meant was that I will call you at
midnight at my place, so maybe I'll call you at lunchtime.

I also want you to bring a postcard, just to replace travel

Give a kiss to Wai Gong and Wai Po.

Love you!!


11/11/07 (I delayed my return because of Wai Gong’s sudden
Hi Mommy.  I know that you don't want more Webkinz but I
got 4 more Webkinz.  So how I got the Alley Cat (who I
named Hollywood)was because I let Evan sleep in the
rollaway bed in the hotel and I practiced my Chinese on
the way home from Maryland.  And how I got the Beagle (who
I named Sugarfoot) and the Google (who I named Mr Quackles)
was Granna gave them to me.  How I earned the Chihuahua
(who I named Nacho)is I studied my Chinese homework for the

I miss you a lot.  I'm sorry for your dad.  I hope he's
feeling better. If you want, we can write letters to Wai
Gong.  Amen.

Love, Olivia

Dear Mommy,

Thank you for writing me a letter.  If Wai Gong feels a
little sick and you can't come Wednesday or Thursday,
please try to come on Friday or the weekend.  :-)

Well me and Dad aren't doing too much.  We're just doing
our regular daily schedule.  So tell us when you're going
to come back.  I miss you a lot.  It's actually kind of
boring just practicing stuff with my Daddy.  I hope that
Wai Gong feels better. :-)

I miss you a lot.  I want to know what color my dress
(qi pao)is because I'm thinking to bring it for show and
tell. Dancing class has been going well.  In two weeks
from today my dancing class will have open house for the
parents to come and watch. So if you want to come you may.

Love, Olivia

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